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Outdoor Steam Bath on Right Bank
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Outdoor Steam Bath on Right Bank

Karl writes:
'Burn of Sowadee with Chris Rowell's steam bath house. The burn is the
boundary between Sandwick, on the left bank and Stromness Parish on the right. '
Picture added on 09 May 2006
Great photo! Given there's more of the right bank than of the left in shot, I've taken the liberty of assigning it to Stromness parish in Steven's reorganisation scheme.

[The further merits of the localisation will be found when Part II is implemented - in the meantime keep adding pictures to parishes and towns - nearly 25% of the way there... Steven]
Added by Ian Hourston on 16 February 2012
I mind going there with my uncle when I was a peedie boy, is that peedie hut still there?
Added by Darren Sinclair on 31 January 2013
Oh my word, this image, it just brought back such memories of all those Christian literature Chris left in the hut for strangers on their adventure walks to discover.
Added by Bex Bowen on 30 July 2013
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Stromness parish

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