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Papdale Primary School, 2 Sweyn
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Papdale Primary School, 2 Sweyn

Alsion writes:
'Back Row (l - r): Christopher Rosie, Michael Cochrane, Mark Louttit, Jimmy Thomson, Andrew Thomson, Lewis Dunnett, Kerwyn Smith, Fraser Budge, Steven Foulis.

Middle Row (l - r): Evelyn Thomson, Sarah Smith, Sonia Esslemont, Aline Cross, Dana Craigie, Senga Peace (now Taylor, wife of one of your regular contributors!), Maureen McGregor, Karen Railston.

Front Row (l - r): Miss Fiddler, Alison Ritchie (me), Mhairi Hutchison, Yvonne ?, , Shirley-Anne Wenham, Kay Ryrie, Karen Moodie, Diane Watson.'

Picture added on 04 May 2006
Think missing name is Yvonne Robertson?????
Added by LGD on 08 June 2006
No, I think it was Robinson.
Added by Bertha Fiddler on 24 June 2007
Cool! How old is it? Oh just to say im in 6S and I'm called sweyn
Added by Sweyn Worthington on 20 April 2009
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