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An interesting coloured postcard, date unknown.
Willie writes:
'This is a pc of Maggie Paplay. The house can still be seen just past Cumminess House. Not quite in as good a shape.' [ See picture #1462 ]
Picture added on 14 April 2006
A right fine looking stenness lass
Anonymous comment added on 08 August 2006
Who was Maggie Paplay? Is this an Orkney name? It's a pity to see these old houses in such a state as they were so well built. picture #1452 ]
Added by Barbara on 10 February 2007
My Mum, Alice Tait, lived in Cumminess House before moving to Stomness as a child in the 1930s. She had many stories to tell about Maggie Paplay who has become part of my family folklore. Maggie was profoundly deaf and thought the rats had been playing up on the night the Brig o' Waithe was bombed! The Parish of Holm used to be known as Holm and Paplay so it is a very old Orkney name.
Added by Alison Hepburn on 12 November 2010
This was fun to find! She is my husbands great great aunt!
Added by Jonelle Papley on 18 June 2017
I was very interested to see the name Papley appear on this site as there are no Papleys left in Orkney. Along with a few of my relatives I have Papley as a middle name, and I know of a family of Papleys in Canada. It is nice to see that there are some other Papleys alive and well in the world.
Added by Bill Stevenson on 27 June 2017
My great grandmother was Isabella Paplay.
I live in Perth Australia and I am visiting Orkney in September 2017 and would be interested in talking to anyone who may have known the Paplay family.
My middle name is Paplay
I live in Perth Australia and I am visiting Orkney in September 2017 and would be interested in talking to anyone who may have known the Paplay family.
My middle name is Paplay
Added by Hamish MacAdie on 10 July 2017
If you are interested in researching the Paplay family please contact Orkney Family History Society. They have an office staffed by volunteers which is in the library next to the archive. More details at their website www.orkneyfhs.co.uk
Added by Jackie Harrison on 16 July 2017
I am a descendant of James Papley of Orkney via my Great Grandmother Maisie. James was an early pioneer in the Western Districts of Victoria, creating strong family ties to Portfairy, Portland and Narrawong. James and his wife came out to Australia on the 'fever' ship Ticonderoga in 1852.
Hoping to visit the Orkney Islands in 2019 to find out more about the families history, and maybe a nordic connection, that would be interesting!
Hoping to visit the Orkney Islands in 2019 to find out more about the families history, and maybe a nordic connection, that would be interesting!
Added by Mark on 11 January 2018
Passed Maggie's house often cycling along the Orphir Road. We knew about her but knew nothing about who she was, what she did and would love to hear more about her.
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Added by Deborah Winters on 08 March 2024