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Man with a mission
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Man with a mission

[He must be a charismatic Christian, as he was surrounded by girls when I saw him yesterday outside Cumming and Spence's Argo's - Steven]
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Picture added on 05 September 2008
Why should a charismatic christian be categorised by having girls around him?
That was a cheap comment.
Charis-matic, means grace gifts.
Added by Alan Herd on 05 September 2008
He's a bit grammatically challenged isn't he, or does his piety make up for it.
Added by John Schollay on 07 September 2008
• adjective 1 having charisma. 2 relating to a movement within certain Christian Churches that emphasizes the inspirational power of the Holy Spirit.

• noun an adherent of the charismatic movement.
No sign of grace gifts or even grace kelly in the O.E.D.
Added by John Schollay on 08 September 2008
Alan, it was a joke. It was also true, as it happens.
Added by Steven Heddle on 08 September 2008
A man with a mission indeed. I saw him on Wednesday 10/09/08 walking the streets of Inverness.
Added by Hazel on 11 September 2008
I spoke to this guy after I took the photo. He gave me a tract about prayer and said Jesus had sent him to give it to me. Gosh! Ahm no jist a bonnie face efter all.
Added by Sandy Windwick on 14 September 2008
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