The Orkney Image Library
No: 1224 Contributor: Lee Ballantyne Year: 2005
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The Italian Chapel on Lambsholm (or Lamb Holm if you prefer), built by Italian prisoners of war working on the Churchill Barriers during World War II. I was told that getting prisoners of war to build defences for a naval base was somewhat dodgy under the Geneva Convention, but that having a road over the top of the barriers justified it as a civilian project. But that may just be a story.
Picture added on 14 December 2005
Have just stumbled upon this photo of the Italian Chapel. This takes me back about 64 years as I was there(not as a prisoner)when it was built. Aged about 3-4 I was taken there by one of the Italian prisoners to see it being built and actually help with the painting!!! I took my family to see it many years ago and hope to return this Sept(2008)for what may be the last nostalgic return to the land of my birth---Born Holm.
Added by Jack (John) Petrie on 01 July 2008