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H.M. in the Basin.
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H.M. in the Basin.

Picture added on 28 May 2008
I remember sitting on top o a shed on the pier maybe used as a bathing hut watching the Queen arriving. Would this be after the visit to Stronsay?
Later a short film of the whole time in Orkney wiz shown around the halls by the ould rural cinema, this film may have been put together by James Sinclair?
In the early time of the rural cinema the same film was shown in all three halls on Hoy, but numbers soon dwindled as television took over and more hooses got generators.
I mind Jock o Garson had a rotary converter to boost power from a fifty volt lighting set so they could have a TV in Garson as I remember it gave a better picture unlike some TV pictures that wid roll due to the gen sets not always pittan oot the the correct voltage.
A tale told to me of an ould man fae Stronsay- when asked what he thought o the TV he saed hid wiz jist lik lookan in the drum o a mill!!

Noo than am no done yet! Is that the ould Cyngalee, that wiz owned by the Groats fae the shop here in Longhope later done up by Arnold Grieve and fitted wae a Fergy engine, wiz shae a German ships boat like the Von Router, also owned by the Groats, now in the Scapa Flow visitor center at Lyness??
If the Cyngalee, is part o that era then hid wid be fine if shae joined her sister at Lyness as am sure shae must be gittan a bit ripe by noo!!
Added by John Budge on 30 May 2008
Re the TV at Garson, my Grandad widna look at it at first till one night granny kept at him to look at the horses, it was the Badminton Horse trials that was on. He eventually took a wee look and that was him right into it, he was always asking when the horses would be on again.
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 30 May 2008
Don't know where the boat that Arnold did up is now, George Grieve might know.
Arnold had it looking really good and then some of the brass etc got pinched and I think he was so skunnered he sold it.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 31 May 2008
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