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Kirkwall Pier
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Kirkwall Pier

Picture added on 24 April 2008
I think the date is 1991 Sandy, see picture #7161
Added by Alan on 25 April 2008
You are quite right Alan. This photo was taken on 26th February, 1991 (at 12:40pm approx.)
Added by Sandy on 26 April 2008
You're correct Alan. See also picture #10934
Added by Sandy on 26 April 2008
Thats Keith Foubister's Hymac and JCB from Deerness standing there. Mind one oh his workers found a very old half bottle oh Hooch in the eves oh the old hut building on demolition. Fearless Fred was his name very hard worker.
Added by Rodney Delday on 31 May 2011
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