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Looking at the cargo ship side with Wideford Hill in background.16/04/08.

Picture added on 16 April 2008
What's a few windmills compared to that mess at the top of Wideford Hill?
Added by Sandy on 17 April 2008
Bring on the windmills. keep me warm and can make hydrogen to keep me car going.
Added by William Watters on 18 April 2008
Re. deleted anonymous comments-
As I've explained before, if people trying to stir things up don't put their names to the comments they shouldn't expect them to appear. So that nobody feels hard done by for not getting the last word I'll leave this [now deleted comment] for a few days before deleting all the anonymous comments on this picture. [Which has now been done.]
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As I've explained before, if people trying to stir things up don't put their names to the comments they shouldn't expect them to appear. So that nobody feels hard done by for not getting the last word I'll leave this [now deleted comment] for a few days before deleting all the anonymous comments on this picture. [Which has now been done.]
Added by Steven Heddle (site admin) on 26 April 2008