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No idea about this picture or date. Looks like William Campbell, 4th from left in the back row. He looks quite young here so it must have been long before the war or even Shopping Week. Anyone know any other name or why the were dressed up like this ?
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Picture added on 07 April 2008
Hi Dennis
Could it be anything to do with Up Helly A ? See bottom left "Lerwick" ?
Added by G H Hill on 09 April 2008
Gordon do you think it could be the Orkney football team up in Shetland for a game at the same time as Up Helly A ? I don't recognise any of the other people.
Added by Dennis Campbell on 10 April 2008
What about the Scalloway - Stromness connection?
Could it be the Scalloway Fire Festival?
Added by Bruce Moar on 11 April 2008
Just dug out this photo. Indeed it is my father, Bill (Bull Tie) Campbell, 4th from left in back row. On the back of the photo, it says "Post Card" and in my late mothers handwiting "Up Helly-a, Lerwick, Bill Campbell aged 21 years, RIP) I might add, he was born in 1902 so that would put the date of the photo as 1923
Added by Gerald Campbell on 24 May 2017
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