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Bridge Street roadworks, 6th October
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Bridge Street roadworks, 6th October

Marion writes:
'Attached pic taken this morning in Bridge Street where roadworks ongoing - Refuse lorry driver managed to get through with not an inch to spare either side and he didn't even touch any of the cones. Great driving!!'

I believe the road is being dug up to lay access trunking for Kirkwall's CCTV system, among other things. We should campaign to have the CCTV streamed to the web for the Ba games every year.
Picture added on 14 October 2005
The lads are also laying new paving slabs that are smooth and flat at the moment - that is until some large lorry comes up the street and rocks the slabs or breaks them! Lets campaign to keep larger heavy vehicles off the main streets please. For anyone interested Walter Haywood will be putting live video and stills of the Ba games on his website this Xmas and New Year - see http://www.kirkwallba.co.uk/
Added by marion mcleod on 14 October 2005
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