The Orkney Image Library
No: 1017 Contributor: Marion McLeod Year: 2005
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A recent picture to compare with the older pictures of Woolies. Picture taken from the back of the oldest part of the shop, looking towards Albert Street.
Picture added on 11 October 2005
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Didn't notice until now that this picture has a sign at the top stating "bathroom" - didn't know there was a public one inside the store and never noticed the direction sign????? Must go back and investigate this!
Added by marion mcleod on 12 October 2005
Does it not mean 'bathroom' in the sense of bathroom items such as toilet roll holders and soap dishes ?
Anonymous comment added on 28 November 2010
I worked at Woolies, as an apprentice plumber, during its construction and I am certain that there was no provision made for "Customer Toilets"
Anonymous comment added on 30 November 2010
There's also a sign saying kids bedroom .. creche facilities?
Added by BBJ on 02 December 2010
My comment was meant as a joke!
Added by MARION MCLEOD on 02 December 2010
I'm sure 'Toiletries' would have been a better sign.
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Added by Neil Johnstone on 03 December 2010