Orkney Image Library

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Danny Rendall

King St Church, Office Bearers, 1929 I wonder if anyone can put any names to this Tom Kent photo of the minister and office bearers of th...
John Johnston and Vintage Van This is my great grandfather, John Johnston, and one of J & W Tait's vans, which he drove.
Peace Family Thomas and Thomasina Peace and some of their family. I don't know any of the boys, but the taller gi...
J & W Tait's Van in the High Street Another picture of J & W Tait's grocery van and the driver John Johnston, in the High Street where h...
Peace Family 2 From left to right, an unknown maid, Margaret Peace, her (future?) husband John Johnston, and parent...
Ba Spectators 1932 This is a Tom Kent postcard showing the spectators at the New Years Day ba in 1932. My grandad and g...
Inside J & W Tait's Van Well you can nearly see inside it, pity couldn't see more, and the date is a guess. I have no idea w...
TA Assault Pioneer Cadre, Kirkwall, 1987 This was a mixture of local lads and boys from sooth who took part in a 2 week course of digging dit...

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