Orkney Image Library

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Neil Johnstone

Hoy peat bank Rackwick resident gathering a few dried peats
Mystery Picture Guess where.
Meerkat.com A rocky lookalike seen at Rackwick.
S.S. Cantick Head S.S. Cantick Head ashore Inganess Bay Nov. 1940
S.S.Cantick Head Another view of the Cantick Head
Albert Street An old view before the removal of the wall round the 'Big Tree'. Unsure of date.
A rough day in the Basin Date approximate. Note lobster boxes on the slip and others containing live lobsters in the Basin
Stacking Fish Date approximate. Women stacking up fish after drying. Must be the boss with his hands in his pocket...
Catch laid out for sale Ling and cod laid out on the pier. Presumably for sale
View down High Street Before the days of tarmac! approximate date
Bowling green Opening of Kirkwall Bowling Green 18-5-1927.
Tullock's Garage Maybe some motoring enthusiasts will have a more accurate date. [I'm sure regular contributor Mr D.R...

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