Bill Miller
Evangeline BF1952 The Evangeline was lost with all eight crew members on 17th January, 1905. In the 1960s, a relative ...
James More's workers Gutters and Coopers at James More's curing station, Stronsay. The man in the middle is Johnny Reid.
Evangeline Crew I Have the names of all those lost if anyone is interested.
Whitehall Village, Stronsay. First Car. Can anyone tell me the make, model, and owner ?
Carting Agreement re herring fishing. Self explanatory.
Carter in herring fishing days in Stronsay. A Stronsay man contracted to cart herring with his horse and long lorry. [Date estimated]
Busy Day in Whitehall Village, Stronsay. Can you name the kids ?
Whitehall Village, Stronsay, pre 1907. The large house in centre of picture is the old Stronsay Hotel which burnt down in 1939.
Herring Drifters Stronsay. Busy times eh !
Herring Drifters at Stronsay A busy scene.