Ian S. Carter
Westray School I will upload a better Photo of this Picture sometime soon.
KGS Class 2A11 I will name these later. I am on the middle row 2nd from the left. Most of them look happy!
Army Training This is a Training Party 1916. The Cameronians, my Father John Carter is shown on the roof, he then...
Barony Hotel Being renovated.
I am the little boy holding the stick,on my left is Arnold Rendal ex County Goal...
Barony Hotel Do you like the wooden scaffolding? No Health & Safety
those days!
Worker hauling up the bucket...
REGINA This schooner is layed up below Logies Pier in Westray. The
reason for this lay up for the Winter ...
Stronsay cars This photo is from a postcard sent to me in 1961. Some beautiful old reliable cars before they has ...