Orkney Image Library

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Tina Meldrum

The Altar - South Ronaldsay This photo was taken this summer, I am told that this fantastic rock formation is known as 'The Alta...
Sea stack near Yesnaby This photo was taken on a walk from Yesnaby to Stromness. How much longer will this stack stay stand...
Scottish primrose I just love this beautiful little flower this was the first year I actually minded on to go to Yesna...
St Ola Old St Ola berthed at Stromness in 1987
Broad Street-Busy as ever! Taken from top floor flat at 29 Broad street. Can't remember cars parking at the bottom of the Stry...
The Kirk Green-without the green! Taken when the trees were still allowed to have leaves and health and safety was unheard of! I've b...
Happy Valley Date estimated. Taken when Edwin was still living there and Happy Valley was at it's best-on a nice...

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