Orkney Image Library

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November 2004, looking east from NW Rousay Picture taken on 12th November as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
Brandyquoy park viewed from Cathedral A picture taken by Alan from the spire of the cathedral showing Brandquoy Park (scene of the Cathedr...
December 2004, looking east from NW Rousay Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month Looking East from Tou Cottage, ...
Rousay sunset John writes: Wester, Rousay December 13 [just after] 14h 00m... Quite remarkable in a way. Cattle o...
January 2005, looking east from NW Rousay Picture taken from Tou in Tousay on January 13 2005 at 10.18, as part of a series charting changes i...
February 2005, looking east from NW Rousay Picture taken on 21st February as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month.
Approaching snow showers A picture taken by John on Saturday 26th Feb on a walk over the tops of Rousay- 'Snow showers approa...
March 2005, looking east from NW Rousay View from Tou Cottage (part of the monthly series) taken 9 am Sunday 13 March 2005. Part of a series...
Walls John writes: 'Looking out across Saviskail Bay towards Faraclett Head from the walled enclosures at...
Scabra Head, Rousay date estimated
Stromness Marina Picture taken last month, showing the marina beginning to fill up.

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