Mystery fireplace A mystery fireplace. Any ideas?
Hoy High Hoy High lighthouse
Flotta Chapel This is Rodney and Joan Flett on Flotta, in front of the old Chapel.
An old pier The old pier at ..............?
Building a new pier or extension. Dont know the date but it must be between 1947 and 1956. [But where?]
yachting worlds @: Holm Regatta Spindrift crewed by myself and Audrey and Rip Tide crewed by Robbie Thomson and I think Kevin Thomso...
Graemsay and Mainland from Hoy Graemsay and Mainland from the Hoy mountains, 2003.
Graemsay cattle Graemsay cattle on route to market onboard Mv.Hoy Head 23/10/2009.
Scapa Blockship 1985 Scapa Blockship 1985
Sutherland family abt 1904 Sutherland family abt 1904
I believe they are all from the Hoy area..can anyone help?