Shopping Week Fancy Dress ORKNEY'S STALWART WIVES - FAT BOTTOMED GIRLS left to right
Denise Kirkness, Yvonne Henderson, Karen...
Shopping Week Fancy Dress STROMNESS BIG BRITHER - left to right
Karen Sutherland, Denise Kirkness, Yvonne Henderson, Debbie D...
Shopping Week Fancy Dress BIG DRAWERS IN KEMPS - left to right
Yvonne Henderson, Denise Kirkness, Debbie Delday and Karen Sut...
Shopping Week Fancy Dress MV FLOATY TOWERS - left to right
Yvonne Henderson, Debbie Delday, Teresa Halsro, Angela Dickinson a...
Shopping Week Fancy Dress Brodgar Games! - left to right
Denise Kirkness, Teresa Halcro, Debbie Delday and Karen Sutherland.
Shopping Week Fancy Dress ORKNEY'S MOBILE CRECHE -
back row (l-r) Miranda MacLellan, Jenna Towers, Kathleen Towers.
middle ...
Shopping Week Fancy Dress COST OF OIC PUBLIC TOILETS!
back row (l-r) Miranda MacLellen, Richie Delday, Magnus Nicolson, James...
Junior Inter County Swimming Unsure of the year. More photos at
Ex Stromness Lifeboat Ex Lifeboat "Archibald and Alexander M Paterson"
Ex Stromness Lifeboat at Fowey The Archibald and Alexander M Paterson