Orkney Image Library

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Harray rainbow Jem writes: 'It was taken on Friday 14th October 2005. This view, taken from a friend's living r...
World War Two mobile searchlight A searchlight on a Bren gun carrier-like vehicle, inside the tank at Lyness.
Big Sky 'Looking towards Hoy over Harray Loch � September 2004'
Boats at the loch Harray Loch, by the look of it.
Page 7 of 1957 Orkney Telephone Directory A page scanned in from the directory found by Willie Watters when the Tankerness Mill was being clea...
View from Stoneyhill Road Looking SW towards Hoy, over the Harray and Stenness lochs
Kittens at Corrigall Farm Museum Taken on 2nd May 2005. Fraser writes: 'This pic was taken at Corrigal Farm Museum. As we approac...
Harray lupins Paul writes: 'Lupins opposite the Harray Stores in the late thirties. I'm told they were a mixture...
Kirbister Loch Pictured on a cool and windy Sunday night, 6th August.
Harray Loch from Russland Road Barbara writes: "This is a view from outside our house at Ingerknowe looking across Harray Loch fro...
Swans on Harray Loch "Come in Marco, your time is up." Picture taken yesterday at the Brodgar site of the OTFA.

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