Orkney Image Library

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Willa Wards, Scar, Burness, Sanday Willa Wards, Scar, Burness, Sanday
Model home Picture by J E Hourston, 3 Jan 2020. 'Exploded' model (approx 1:46 scale) of an Orkney house, rec...
Hostel garages demolition Demolition of the old garages at the former Papdale Halls of Residence. Taken 30/01/2020
Large abandoned house in Tankerness Large abandoned house in Tankerness. 13/02/2020
Arts Theatre entrance no more! Entrance demolished of former Orkney Arts Theatre (Temperance Hall) 18/3/2020
Before Edna and Cliff went to NZ Before Edna and Cliff Stephen went to New Zealand. Number 1 is Alexander (Ally) Stephen (my Grandad...
London Zoo seal-acquisition project #7 The crew of the boat - does anyone recognise them?
Peace family member? This is one of the photographs I have inherited from my g.grandfather John G.T.Pottinger. Unnamed,I ...
Hole o' Rowe Hole o' Rowe, 1st April 2020
Hamnavoe Care Home Hamnavoe Care Home, 1st June, 2020
Sunset near the Black Craig Sunset near the Black Craig, 20th April 2020
Marwick Head from the Bay Marwick Head from the Bay, 27th March 2020

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