The Orkney Image Library
No: 8874 Contributor: Karl Smith Year: 2008
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Taken January 12th 2008
Picture added on 21 February 2008
I often check out this website when it's quiet at work. I am from Orkney but live in the USA. Your photo made me smile - thanks! (now feeling a peedie bit homesick)
Added by Shona Husbands on 24 February 2008
Probably the best picture i've seen so far with the exception of my own of course... I visited last year and found the experience profoundly moving so much so that it has inspired me to write a book about the ring.
Added by Hilary Powell on 24 February 2008
Ok hilary, karl has shown us his, now you show us yours, and we will judge which is the best!!
Added by Tom Scott on 26 February 2008
Another brilliant photo from the present day Tom Kent.
Added by Dave Smith on 26 February 2008