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Anna Salen
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Anna Salen

On the 13th of August 1952 the Swedish ship Anna Salen was in collision with a Norwegian Whale Factory ship The Thorshovdi, in the enterance to the Pentland Firth. The Anna Salen was badly holed as can be scene in the photograph, she was taken alongside at Lyness were repairs were carried out by Metal Industries Ltd before continuing on her passage .
The Anna Salen had 800 passengers on board who were returning from the Olympic Games in Helsinki.
I doubt a ship would get to continue on her passage after having had such an event today.
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Picture added on 22 January 2008
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Anna Salen
I immigrated to Australia wih my family on the Anna Salen from Germany to Melbourne arriving on the 16 Octomber 1954. I am unable to find any passenger list records for that year. Any information would be great.
Added by Gunda Learmonth on 19 January 2009
Im the Grand daughter of Ilse Kirchhoff who was on the the Anna Salen ship with her family in 1954. Bound for Aust. She would be thrilled if I could find someone who was on the same ship as her. Look foward to contacting someone:)
Added by Pina on 18 March 2009
My family was on that crossing. I was only 6 years old but remember going into lifeboats and landing. Also hit quite a storm on the way to Halifax.
Added by Sulo Viherjoki on 23 April 2009
My mother Gerda Olejniczak arrived in Australia July 1954 on the Anna Salen
I am interested in any information and passenger lists.

Added by Ralph Olson on 26 December 2009
My partner, his sister and parents (OTT family) arrived into Australia from Germany on the Anna Salen in December 1954. Would be happy to hear from anyone that arrived the same time.
Added by K Kitchener on 25 January 2010
I came to Australia on the 16 of October 1954
with the Anna Salen at Port Melboune
Added by Ilona Kaufholz on 30 April 2010
My husband and his sister and Parents (Schulze family) arrived from germany in 1953 in Australia on this ship..have not been able to find any lists, any contact would be great..
Added by Gwen Nicholson (Schulze) on 14 June 2010
I was 8 years old when I sailed on the Anna Salen and arrived in Australia in October 16 1954
I can remember that it was a rough trip
Added by Eve on 26 June 2010
I have a couple of pictures taken on that 1953 voyage of the ship loading and my inlaws and husband on board if anyone is interested in seeing them email me at [email protected]
Added by Gwen Nicholson (Schulze) on 29 June 2010
My Mom and Dad and I arrived in Quebec City Aug, 2,1953 on the Anna Salen from Bremen Germany. I was 7 months old. I would love to be in touch with anyone who was on that voyage with us. Both my parents, Albert and Ruth Jansen, are alive and well. We live in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada. I have a few pictures of some folks on the ship. My email address is [email protected] and I would love to hear from you.
Added by Christiana Jansen on 04 August 2010
I was a passenger along with my parents and 2 brothers on the trip in Aug. 1952 have pictures of us sitting on deck with life jackets that night, would like to contact anyone eles on that trip
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 29 September 2010
Was a passenger on the 1952 trip from Germany to Halifax was 8 years old remember it very well, can be contacted at [email protected]
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 29 September 2010
Am still keen to contact anyone who was on the Voyage to Australia arriving April 1953
Added by Gwen Nicholson (Schulze) on 30 September 2010
Great greeting to my brother Hans Hagemeier, I received yor letter last week and this letter make me happy,very happy,my greetings to all family, sister Margaret, John and Reiner.
I shall writte soon! Writte to my adress [email protected]
Added by Jelena Belegisanin Serbia on 20 December 2010
My name is Rita Harsant (nee Tesch) and I travelled to Australia aboard the Anna Salen with my sister, Monica and parents Heinz and Edith. We arrived in July 1954. I was 6 months old at the time. We were sent to Bonegilla Immigration Camp in Victoria and moved from there to Melbourne. I would love to contact anyone who may have knowledge/memories of that period.
My email is: [email protected]
Added by Rita Harsant(nee Tesch) on 26 February 2011
In reply to (nee Tesch) My parents were on the July 1954 arrival with my older brother Manfred who was 2 years old at the time. They to were sent Bonegilla, but only stayed there for a number of weeks before buying a small truck and driving to Adelaide where my father gained work as a carpenter.
Their stay at Bonegilla was not overly pleasant as the weather was very cold at the time and the huts had no supplied heating, however my parents did buy an electric heater where allowed to plug it into the light socket by one of the supervisors even though it was against camp rules.
My parents also did not like the food that came from the camp kitchen.
I will be seeing my mother in a few weeks and ask for more first hand details.

Added by Ralph Olson on 01 March 2011
In reply to Ralph Olson. I would love to hear of any details your mother may remember. My parents died many years ago and spoke very little of their time at Bonegilla and the voyage out here. I do have a couple of photos taken on board during the voyage. My father was also a carpenter. My sisite, Monica was also two at that time. Wonder if they may have played together?
Added by Rita Harsant(nee Tesch) on 02 March 2011
Anyone who came from Germany to Canada on about 26 October , 1953 aboard the Anna Salen - my Father In Law was on this voyage , Arthur Schatz- anyone remember him ? Love to hear from you .
Added by Maria Schatz on 18 April 2011
My goodness I litle knew when I put the photograph of this damaged ship onto this site how far the interest would travel!!.
Thank you so much, As Billy Conolly said "You have made a happy man very old"!!

[This stuff is solid gold for my talk to the Family History Society in a couple of week.... - Steven]
Added by John Budge on 19 April 2011
To John Budge, It was a whim in Sept. 2010 that I typed in the name of our ship The Anna Salen, once on the site it made me think of our voyage and a start of a new life in a new country, and at the present time I am writting a book about our trip and our lives in Canada. Am going back to Germany this Thursday to do some research, thanks for the motivation. Hans Hagemeier
Anonymous comment added on 25 April 2011
We have been back to Poland and Germany twice to do family research and look at all the places my husbands ancestors came from.. we watch this page with interest in the hope that someone else on that ship with my husband will turn up but so far they are all other voyages.
Added by Gwen Nicholson on 27 April 2011
My father was a bright-eyed 20 year old on his way to Canada aboard the Anna Salen when it was struck in 1952.

He says that he and his roommates were quartered so far in belly of the ship that they didn't even bother getting out of bed. They were prepared to go down with the ship, Titanic style. Eventually the steward did come down and chase them out onto deck, where the captain was telling people not to jump overboard. He was warning them that they wouldn't last five minutes in the frigid North Atlantic waters. My dad says they just looked at the captain like he was nuts: they weren't about to jump in there!

While they were waiting for repairs, my dad made friends with the American Olympic synchronized swim team, who taught him some English.
Added by Cory Gross on 26 May 2011
I came to Australia on the Anna Salen arriving in Melbourne on 16 October 1954. I came with my parents Walter and Ingeborg Doose. My mother worked for the Purser and my father taught English on the ship. Only have vague memories of this voyage but do remember the Suez Canal and Aden. Does anyone know how to get a passenger list?
Added by Margit O'Brien (Doose) on 01 August 2011
My father (Klaus Uthmann) departed Germany and arrived October 1954 in Australia on the Anna Salen. He was 11 at the time and traveled with his father (Ferdinand), his mother (Maria), his brothers Ferdinand and Erwin, plus his sisters Mechthild, Helga and Monika.
Added by Annie Whittle on 16 August 2011
My mum (Frauke Schleyer) also arrived on the Anna Salen in October 1954 as a six year old with her family. She remembers a rough time at sea and was quite ill most of the journey. Her mother was separated to look after a younger brother while mum and 3 other siblings were on another deck. She remembers being looked after by another parent and she would like to thank her one day if possible. There does not appear to be much information available about this journey and it has been interesting to read all the comments
Added by Michael Laws on 10 September 2011
I am looking on behalf of my father (Ernst Dieter Tews, possibly Meyer) who was nearly 12 when he arrived in Australia in October 1954, with his mother and step-father (Irmgard and Herman Meyer) and his sisters (Irmgard (Puppi) and Helga).
He is looking for any information at all that anyone can give him.
You can email me at [email protected]
Added by Belinda Tews on 06 November 2011
I was on the Anna Salen in October 1953 with my parents Daniel and Maria Kendl. I gather from talking to my mother that Dad and I spent most of the voyage "hanging over the rails". The pictures are fascinating.
Added by Annemarie Kendl on 14 December 2011
We left Bremmen on the 15 Nov. 1953 on the Anna Salen. My dad's name was Theo Haarmann we had a very good trip till we got in middle of the Pacific and turned on the second water tank for drinking and in Aden they filled it with sea water. I was ten when we left.
Added by Rainer Haarmann on 23 January 2012
My father Manfred Roick was on the Anna Saeln from Bremerhaven to canada landing in Quebec on August 3rd, 1953. If you were on this ship with him I would love to know if you have any pictures. My eamil is [email protected]

Added by Jeff on 01 February 2012
My father came over from Bremerhaven to Canada in 1953. I have four pictures of him on the ship with some other passengers. Not sure if their friends or people he met on board. I also have the postcard he wrote to my mom before the ship left port. It is post marked 02.7.53. If anyone knows when the ship left port an what day and port it arrived in Canada.
Added by Rudy Galfi on 12 May 2012
I was a passenger of the Anna Salen sailing from Bremerhaven/Germany on June 16, 1952, arriving in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (Pier 21) on June 25th, 1952.
I can be contacted at [email protected]. - May 25, 2012
Added by Peter Hessel on 25 May 2012
MV ANNA SALEN. October 1953 from Bremerhaven to Levis(Quebec). I was a single passenger (32 years)
"way below", bunk beds. My family joined me the following year. I am now a greatgrandfather living in Ottawa and everybody is well. What were the exact dates of departure and arrival? I shall be grateful for any information. The kids want to know! Oh yes: I was not sea-sick!
Added by Otto Haenlein (Hänlein) on 27 May 2012
MV ANNA SALEN October 1954 from Breberhaven to Melbourne with my Parents Erich, Tilly and Sister Antje.I was 15 years old and have very fond memories of our trip over. To date I have not heard or met anyone from this trip.
Added by Eric Bartkowiak on 20 July 2012
My parents, two sisters, and I were on The Anna Salen when it left Bremerhaven on Dec 17 1951, and arrived at Pier 21 in Halifax on Dec 29. My sisters and I have been trying to gather as much information as possible on our stay in DP camps (one in Heilbronn from 1946 to 1951) in many locations in Germany since we were taken from Poland by the Germans in 1942. We have a fair bit of info already but would like to fill in many gaps. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you.
Added by Caz Nizman on 29 July 2012
My parents and my eldest brother (Gunter, Inge & Gunter Jnr ANDRES) were on the Anna Salen in 1954 (10th October) when it travelled from Bremerhaven to Melbourne. They went onto Bonegilla by train and from there to Villawood. Anyone who has any photos or remembers them - wold love to hear from you. Both my parents are in their 80's now and have never spoken much of their journey. Cheers Karin ([email protected])
Added by Karin Andres on 18 August 2012
I arrived on the Anna Salen on 16 October 1954 from Bremerhaven in Melbourne I like find some one that came at the same time. Hope to hear from some one
Added by Ilona Berak ne Kaufholz on 25 August 2012
I was a 6 year old passenger on the Anna Salen along with my 12 year old sister and Mother and Father. We left from Bremerhaven and arrived in Melbourne a few days before Christmas 1953. We went my train to Bonegilla and the onto Orange and then went to Adelaide to live. My sister later married some one also who was on that same boat in 1953.
Added by Peter Wiechmann on 15 September 2012
I was on the Anna Salen from Bremerhaven to Melbourne arriving in October 1954. I was 6 years old at the time. My
father worked on the Anna Salen and did several trips to Canada and Australia before the 1954 journey as an immigrant, including the ill fated trip from Helsinki. He was quartermaster on that trip. I have a few photos, some old film etc. If anyone is interested please contact me.
Added by Brigitte Munckton on 29 September 2012
I have other photos of the Anna Salen including some taken after the accident as my father worked on the Anna Salen on this trip and others. Later, in October 1954 our family came to Melbourne from Bremerhaven on this ship.
Added by Brigitte on 29 September 2012
Bridget could you please email me.
I am interested in some photos\film
Added by Gwen Nicholson (Shulze) on 02 October 2012
Brigitte; I was 8 years old on the trip in 1952 if you have any pictures I would be very interested.
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 03 October 2012
I was 4 years old when I came to Halifax Canada from Le Havre aboard the Anna Salen in December 1951. I think I still remember the funny, unpleasant smell from the dining room or cafeteria. My parents were both too seasick to enjoy the food in any case. Several alarms in apparently the worst storm on the North Atlantic in 25 years at the time.
Added by Emile Subirana on 04 October 2012
I came across this site while researching on this migrant ship. I too arrived here in October 1954 and had my 7th birthday on board (19/09). Have just laboriously translated a voyage account by my father ( deceased) and found it fascinating. My own memories are vague, could not find much on migration records or ship information. I wanted to find out about the ship layout as we were a family of 8 and were split into different locations on the ship. I am retired now and want to delve deeper.
Added by Ted (Theo) Christians on 13 October 2012
I came to Canada on the Anna Salen, in 1952 from Bremer Haven to Quebec, I was 6 years old, I cannot seem to find a passenger list
Added by Heidi Strecha on 27 October 2012
Eduard and Frieda Puncken with children Hannelore, Dieter and Hilke arrived on the Anna Salen 2nd July 1954.
We went to Bonegilla and then on to Wacol migrant camp in Brisbane. I am Hilke and was 9 years old and have many memories of this time. Recently I obtained interesting information from the immigration museum in Melbourne. They have passenger lists and data of families.
Added by Hilke Morison on 10 November 2012
My father sailed on the Anna Salen April 1954 to Port Melbourne from Greece. Konstandions Koukoutatsios would be grateful to hear from anyone who was on that voyage or who can remember my father.
Added by Nick Kokotatsios on 11 November 2012
One year old, arrived December 1953
Added by LH on 13 December 2012
I posted earlier, re my trip across the Atlantic on the Anna Salen, I now have more details.

My mother, myself (6 yrs old) and my two yr old brother sailed and arrived at Halifax on November 16 1951. Prior to sailing we were held in a DP camp for months, because every scheduled boarding was denied because my brother always presented with a slight elevated fever. I remember my mother feeding him lemon juice, just prior to testing to hopefully reduce his temperature.

I remember the camps vividly, rows and rows of beds of women and children, going to the camp houses for meals,and also seem to remember women crying lots.

Our trip across the Atlantic was severe in the midst of winter, my mother was very ill, and could not come up out of the bunks, I would have to go to the cafeteria and bring food down for my brother. Once we arrived in Halifax, we went on the train to Quebec city, where, the car we were on, with many other women and children, was for some reason moved around on the tracks, and left miles away from the station. It was cold, no food, and my mother had some Oreo cookies, not sure why, or where she got them, but I remember being on that track for more than a day and a night, and eating nothing but Oreo cookies. Finally one of the single women on the train decided to walk to get help, and really, they had lost and forgotten about us. I must admire, all the women, who , in that time, survived the entire journey, from the DP camps, to their final destination.

Added by Heidi (Strecha) Howell on 07 January 2013
Believe my father may have come to Australia on the Anna Salen in 1954/1955, possibly landing in Western Australia. He was of German origin , named Gutav Ernst Rauch. he was an electrican by trade.
Added by Angela Sohios on 11 January 2013
My parents and almost 3 year old brother arrived in Melbourne from Bremerhaven on this ship, March 13 1955. It docked in the evening and passengers disembarked the following day.
I would be greatful for any information as I have been unable to find any records.
Added by Ingrid on 15 February 2013
For those wanting to access records try the National Archives of Australia. Either do a family name search or search for the Anna Salen specifically. Good luck all. My grandparents came out in 1954 and I have managed to find some records for them but not for viewing. Will have to buy copies!
Added by Karin on 23 March 2013
My parents arrived from Greece on the Anna Salen in 1955 arriving in Port Melbourne. There names were Efstratia and Evangelos Gianneli. They had a small child 18 months old. If anyone knows any information please email me [email protected]. When they arrived they were seperated for a few months. Mum went to Bonegilla and I don't know what happened to my father during that time.
Added by Angie Emmerson on 01 May 2013
My Mother, brother and I travelled on the Anna Salen from Germany and arrived at Pier 21 in Halifax Aug.25th 1951 from Germany. I was 1 year old at the time. I am searching any information that may help me to locate my own documentation since my parents had long ago lost my landing papers and other important information. I am now 63 and am having difficulty with my proof of citizenship and arrival.
Names of DP camps, ports that the ship sailed FROM in Germany.
Added by Irene Gyselinck on 28 May 2013
My father, Herbert Miscchke, came across from Germany on the Anna Salen in 1952 with many men who were hired to work in Algonquin Park cutting trees. They lived in Pembrook ON on off days. Dad saved enough for my mother and brother to come live by December the same year. Dad and Mom are now gone but if anyone also travelled on that work crew I would love to hear from you.

Added by Ellen Glynn ( Mischke) on 05 June 2013
I came from Germany on the Anna Salen in July 1954, as a ten year old with my Mother and Stepfather, Anna Dorks and Walther Dorks. A;so my 22 year old brother Kurt Heimes. We left from Cuxhaven and arrived in Melbourne. We travelled to Adelaide with my Stepfather's Brother. I am the only one left now and would love to hear from anyone who travelled with us.
Added by Monika Bullock (Heimes) on 28 June 2013
I travelled to Fremantle port With my mother Pauline sinczuk and father sinczuk my name is Hilde sinczuk I since married 2 sons hughes arrived in Fremantle Anna Salena exactly on the 31st of dec 1950 I was 2 years old my birthday we spent a few months in Northam camp have a few old photos there still is a large community of poles and Germans living there now I am now 64
Added by Hilde on 20 August 2013
I came from Germany on the Anna Salen on the 2nd July 1954 as a 3 year old with my parents Heinz and Emmy Klibschon, my sister Monika age 11, brother Gerhard age 7, and my brother Karl age 23 months. We left from Bremerhaven, arrived in Melbourne, and went to Bonegilla, then on to the Wacol Migrant camp in Brisbane. Both my parents are deceased, so any photos or information about the trip and destinations would be much appreciated. I would love to hear from anyone who travelled with us.
Added by Ilona Taylor ( Klibschon) on 30 August 2013
To Caz Nizman - i am trying to help a friend who's parents and young sister were on the Anna Salen on the same date your family was. She said all they know is they arrived Halifax approx. Dec 29, 1951 Pier 21. They destroyed all info years ago when the parents died and now they are trying to find any info even about the ship list, etc. Her mother was born in Minsk, Russia and her father Jan Dekiel in Province of Prosno in Poland. If you can help in any way even with a ship list or other info - they would love to find out. THanks so much.
Added by Jackie Greenaway on 06 September 2013
hi I have been trying to find a list of passengers from the Ana Salen that arrived in Halifax in late 1951. I believe they (my in-laws) arrived in either late Oct or early December. They sailed from Bremen, stopped in Le havre and continued to Halifax. I am trying to get any info from that time. I would appreciate any assistance.
Added by Diana on 22 September 2013
My father came to Halifax, Canada July 1951 aboard the Anna Salen. Is there anyone else around that remembers that voyage?
Added by Ed G on 29 September 2013
Hi, my grandparents Gunther and Eleonore Jensen landed in Australia on April 18 1953. From Germany (Both now unfortunately deceased) If anyone has any information on this particular voyage please don't hesitate to contact me. Kim. [email protected]
Added by Kim ivkovic on 15 April 2014
My father, Pandelis (Pantelis)Angelidis departed from Piraeus, Greece and arrived in Melbourne, Australia December 1953 before being sent to Bonegilla then Armidale, NSW before settling in Melbourne.
Added by Mary Zoros (Angelidis) on 19 April 2014
My husband came out as a 14 yr old on the Anna Selen in June 1955 around the 16th? He boarded In Bremen. With his mother father & two sisters. His name is Gunter Franz Rieger now 73. his mother Lidia, father Franz coming from Gaggenau in the Black Forest area of Germany. he would love to contact others who came out at this time.
Added by Helen Rieger on 05 May 2014
my mom came from germany with 3 kids on april 19 1951,,,,,,,,are there any lists of names or pics..would love to see more.......dad was already here establishing a job and home for his family.
Added by Helen Ritchie on 07 May 2014
My mom landed in Halifax with 3 small children on April 19, 1951...................wondering if anyone else was on that voyage
Added by Helen Ritchie on 09 May 2014
Looking for German migrants who departed from Bremen, leaving in May 1955
Added by Helen Rieger for Gunter Rieger on 11 May 2014
My dad came over on August 7th, 1953 from Bremerhaven to Quebec City. Was anyone else on this voyage. Im going to download all his pics.
Added by Jeff on 19 May 2014
My mother, along with her parents and siblngs were passengers on the Anna Salen, sailing from Bremerhave, Germany on June 16, 1952 arriving in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Pier 21) on June 25, 1952. I can be contacted at [email protected]
Added by Anita Cameron on 30 June 2014
I also was on the Anna Salen that sailed from Bremen to Halifax that arrived in Halifax on December 29,1951. Mr. Caz Nizman we were on that same voyage.
Added by Peter Pockl Schoneich on 23 September 2014
I arrived with my parents (Walter & Ruth Mittelstedt)and sister on July 2 1954 in Melbourne on the Anna Salen. I estimate our stay at Bonegilla at about one month after which we went by train to Adelaide.
Added by Bernhard on 28 October 2014
My mother Maria (Bartoli)Jerala, my sister Lilliana, and myself, Anna left Braverhaven Germany and arrived in Halififax Nova Scotia in Dec. 1951. We were heading for Malartic Quebec. Where my father Francesco Jerala arrived in Sept. 1951 on the General Stugis. Some of the families we remember from Fiume, Istria,Dalmatia were: Racozzi, Buscemi, Guido Frank, Traven. Our parents are deceased. Lilliana lives I Grimsby Ontario. I live in New York City. If anyone was on that journey, we would like to hear from you.
Added by Anna Coleman on 30 November 2014
I was on the ship Anna Salen May 1955 from Germany.
My father was Wilhelm Maurer, mother Dorothea Maurer, my sister Hannerose and me Marliese. We went to Bonegilla then lived in Geelong
Added by Marliese Stanley on 22 January 2015
My Family including myself left Bremerhafen in January 1955 on the Anna Salen via Multa, Greece Aden then Perth Melbourne and arrived in Sydney March 1955
Where are the Passenger List for this Event?
Added by Joerg Schweinfurth on 26 January 2015
I'm trying to find the passenger list from Bremen to Quebec City August 1953. My father was on this voyage
Added by Jeffry on 08 February 2015
Looking for records on a passenger list for the Anna Salen. Left Germany and arrived in Australia, June 1955
Added by Hans Looser on 11 February 2015
I would like to hear from Marliese Stanley who seems to have been on the Anna Selen the same time as my husband Gunter Rieger.
Added by Helen Rieger on 12 February 2015
There's the start of a book here
Added by W Watters on 16 February 2015
Myself and my mother brothers and sisters arrived from Malta on the Anna Salen in Melbourne on March 13th of 1955' it's our 60th anniversary today in this wonderful country, I was only 18months old so I do not remember the ship or the trip, but would love to hear your stories , congrats to all love and peace Martin Debono
Added by Martin Debono on 12 March 2015
Hello we would love to find out more information if you can help. My mother and parents (Trautmann) travelled from Germany 6 December 1953 bound for Melbourne. Once arriving travelled by train to Sydney and stayed at Villawood and Scheyville before moving to Oberon. Please email [email protected] this blog has been a very interesting read thank you. Angela
Added by Angela Williams on 15 April 2015
My father (Karl Heinz Mathein) and his family (father - Hans Heini Mathein, Mother - Emmi Mathein, brother - Thomas Mathein & sister - Helga Mathein) traveled from Bremerhaven Germany to Australia aboard the Anna Salen in 1954. I do not know the exact arrival date. I have seen immigration documents and medical examination paperwork and it is all dated April/May 1954. If anyone can provide more information it would be much appreciated.
Brent Mathein
Added by Brent Mathein on 22 April 2015
Hi my husbands mother father and brother came on the Anna Salen on 31st December 1950 from Germany. They were very quiet people and did not say much. I'm trying to do family tree for my husband and finding hard to get information. If any one has any information or photos I would really appreciate it.
Added by Sandy Szatanek on 02 June 2015
Hi. I am trying to build a picture of my family's history. My grandparents, Robert and Klara Teran and their children - Robert, Sieve, Istvan and Norbert travelled in Anna Salen from Bremerhaven (departing 14 March 1953)to Melbourne (April 1953. If anyone knows them, has photos or any information about them, I would love to hear from you
Added by Tanya Rissman on 08 July 2015
My father Ewald Risse, his first wife Waltraud (Bahl) and my half-brother Walter (born 1953) arrived at Melbourne on the 16th of October 1954. He returned in 1957, some years later my brother followed him, but Waltraud Risse (or Bahl) lived in Australia until the 70's. I have always been curios about that time; and there must be at least two more half-sisters still (?) living in Australia ... So I was glad to find this site and maybe there ist someone who came across with my realtives in Australia. Anyway I want to collect more information about what happened on the ship and the years after.
Added by Thomas Risse on 29 July 2015
I have a few photos from that voyage Tanya Rissman
I sent an email but maybe you didnt get it
Added by Gwen Nicholson on 10 August 2015
Gwen, would you be willing to share the photos with me? My father and his family were on that voyage. [email protected]
Added by Brent on 23 September 2015
I left Bremerhaven and arrived in Melbourne on the 16th Otober 1954 age 7 years with my father Freidrich Wilhem Kirchhoff mother Ilse Kirchhoff and little brother Wolfgang .Does anyone have some information? I still can remember a little from that time and have some photos of our journey.
Added by Gabriele Kirchhoff Kindelan on 26 September 2015
My mother and father, Mary and Peter and my brother Paul and myself Zenna 4 years old at the time travelled on the Anna Salen Oct. 9-18, 1951. My mother and brother were seasick the whole voyage. My father and I walked the decks. We had to arrive in Quebec City as there were cracks in the bow and we could not go to Pier 21 in Halifax.
awe settled in sault Ste. Marie Ontario. Any others out there who were on board on that trip?
Added by Zenna Metcalfe on 17 November 2015
I was 14 years old when I travelled with my parents Heinz & Maria Schuchardt & my little sister from Bremerhaven on the Anna Salen in 1954, arriving on the 16th of October in Melbourne. Does anyone remember me? Would love to hear from someone.
My e-mail address is: [email protected]
Added by Ingrid Armstrong (nee Schuchardt) on 30 December 2015
I have diary entries, photos and other material pertaining to the voyage of the Anna Salén from Bremerhaven to Halifax, June 16-25, 1952. I was aboard, 20 years old at the time.
Peter Hessel. Tel. (+49) 4221 97301 52 [email protected]#www.peterhesseltranslator.com
Added by Peter Hessel on 19 January 2016
I was 8 years old whilst on board the Anna Salen. We departed from Bremer haven in 1953 and arrived on my 9th birthday 1954 at Melbourne. Our family name was Neubauer.
Added by Helga on 25 January 2016
Hi, My mother's name is also Helga and travelled around the same time.
Added by Angela on 09 February 2016
My parents left Greece on the Anna Salen and arrived in Melbourne in December 1953. They relocated to Adelaide a few months later, and I was born in 1954. I am surprised to see that the Anna Salen was a rather small ship.
Added by Aleka on 24 August 2016
May I ask how many replies have followed since this Photograph I put on this site and is it a record number?. I have tried to count the replies but am unable to do so , anyway little did I think when the photo was put on just the amount of interest it would generate .

[It's definitely the most comments on the site John. I make it 92 before this one - Steven
Added by John Budge on 09 September 2016
Thank you Steven I knew it is a lot and some are sad reading as most who have contacted the site were D Ps (Displaced Persons)following the upheaval in Europe following the WW11 . So many sad children torn from the lives they knew in Poland and Germany to be transported to a foreign land and the unknown. Most likely made good but a very sad time for so many who had already suffered the ravages of war. I note one correspondent using this info for a book he is writing on this very subject.
Added by John Budge on 15 September 2016
I have finished my book about our trip in 1952 and our life in Canada. If John Budge is interested he can contact me and I would send him a copy on DVD.
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 21 September 2016
I'm trying to find the passenger list from Bremen to Quebec City August 1953. My father was on this voyage. Trying to find any other people who traveled with him
Added by Jeffry on 08 February 2015
Added by Jeffry on 03 October 2016
I am trying to locate a passenger list from the Anna Salen leaving from Bremen 24 June 1950 arriving Melbourne 29 July 1950, Thank you
Added by Claudia Kruszynski on 23 November 2016
I am also trying to locate a passenger list for the Anna Salen leaving Bremen 24 June 1950 and arriving Melbourne 29 July 1950. Thank you

Added by Alice Milada Devolle on 13 January 2017
Hello Alice Devolle i have come across a copy of the passenger list of the Anna Salen for your listed dates but it is a hard copy. If you tell me who you are looking for I will be only to happy to scan and email you a copy of the page (s)
Added by Claudia Kruszynski on 14 January 2017
Hi Alice contact the Australian national archives for the passenger list you are looking for that's what I did small fee attached but worth it, www.naa.gov.au/collection/explore/migration/passengers.aspx
Added by Martin Debono on 14 January 2017
Reading through each of the listed voyages the Anna Salem had made to a number of countries around the world transporting immigrants, i would be interested to find out how many voyages this ship made to each of those countries carrying immigrants to their new homeland.
Added by Martin Debono on 06 February 2017
Muscardin Family. Our father came to Canada on the Anna Salen. He has the ships name as 'Santa Anna Salen'. To Halifax from Bremen Haven and landed April 1951. Pier 21 records do not show the ship landing in 1951. If anybody can provide more information, greatly appreciated.
Added by Dean Muscardin on 17 May 2017
A look at the Internet suggests Anna Salen was a member of the family of Swedish businessman Sven Salen who bought the ship and re-named her. While Sven's family may have been saintly for all I know, I think 'Santa' must be a figment of your father's imagination, or faulty memory, Dean.
Added by Ian Hourston on 17 May 2017
Thank you Ian. Anybody out there that arrived on the Anna Salen to Halifax April 19th, 1951? Dean
Added by Dean Muscardin on 19 May 2017
Anybody out there that arrived on the Anna Salen in 1953?
Added by Annemarie Kendl on 22 May 2017
The S.S. before "Anna Salén" obviously referred to Steam Ship. If anyone wishes to have the real Ms. Anna Salén sanctified posthumously, I'll sign the petition. Why not? Everybody else seems to be getting sanctified these days. Peter Hessel (Bremerhaven-Halifax, June 1952).
Added by Peter Hessel on 23 May 2017
Hi Annemarie
My dad arrived in 1953 to Canada from Bremen
Added by Jeff on 23 May 2017
Yes April 1953 The Schulze Family including my husband who was an infant
Added by Gwen Nicholson on 24 May 2017
Error: The Anna Salén was not S.S., but M.S. (Motor Ship).
Added by Peter Hessel on 24 May 2017
The Schulze family above arrived in melbourne 1953...not usa
Anonymous comment added on 25 May 2017
I have just been reading the daily Anna Salen Newsheets for the voyage May to July 1954 from Cuxhafen to Melbourne. Swedish captain.
No bedding on deck please. Do not lie around in bed all day because you are sea sick. A daily homily from a Catholic and a Protestant padre. Look after your children on deck. Danger of sunburn. Don't let traders from Aden into your cabin. Return the table tennis equipment by 5:00pm. Don't sleep on deck at night even if the cabins are stifling hot. Return the deck chairs by 5 :00pm and do not stow them in the lifeboats! The quality of the food is the same, it is tasteless because you have lost your appetite:) Fresh water will be rationed after Aden. Earthquake survivors will be picked up From the port of Piraeus. Treat them kindly. Library, kindergarten and English classes available . Please return your books. Two babies and an elderly lady died during the voyage. Fascinating! During WW2 the Anna Salen was an aircraft carrier, the Archer.

Added by Barbara on 13 September 2017
Take a look at wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Archer_(D78)
Lots there
Anonymous comment added on 15 September 2017
I posted the original photograph in Jan 2008. Never dreaming it would create so much interest.

[It's the most commented picture on the site by far John, well done! - Steven]
Added by John Budge on 15 October 2017
My grandfather, Czeslaw Rowinski, and grandmother, Katyrzyna Skewers both came to Halifax aboard the Anna Salen in 1952. My father, who would have been 2 at the time, and his brother were with them as well. Very little is known regarding their whereabouts prior to leaving Europe. They both had been displaced from Poland and the Ukraine during the war. They had been in DP camps we believe in France and Germany, as my father recalls my grandfather telling a story of working in Paris for the US Army. If anyone has any information to share about DP camps in Germany, specifically around Breman, please share.
Added by James on 09 November 2017
My late father arrived in Halifax from Germany on The Anna Salen on Dec. 29, 1951. He described it as a grueling experience. He worked in the kitchen. Most days they fed very few people because of sea sickness. He said he made it through by sucking lots of lemons.
Added by Monica on 11 November 2017
My 18 yr old father Rainer Schmollinger and his Mother (my grandmother) Gertrude (Trude) Aulerich and partner Egon arrived in Melbourne on the Anna Salen 16 June 1955 from Freiburg Germany, boarded in Bremen. Both settled in Melbourne but now both sadly deceased.
Added by Michele Black on 15 November 2017
Hello Michele Black
It sounds like the same voyage my Husband and his family were on. His name is Gunter Rieger..his story is earlier on this thread. Fam. Franz & Lydia Rieger and children..Hildtrud 18, Gunter 14 and Angelica 4yrs. Gunter & Hildtrud only members left and both are poor in health.
Do you have any photos to share share with us please?
Added by Helen Rieger on 16 November 2017
Hello Helen, unfortunately none on the ship. I have photos of my grandmother and father in Freiburg before they emigrated. Sorry to hear about your husband ill health. Kind regards
Added by Michele black on 10 December 2017
Hi Helen I have 3 photos of my sister and I on board ship, but dont know how to down load them
Anonymous comment added on 30 December 2017
Suggest sharing by email
Anonymous comment added on 31 December 2017
Hi...my dad came from Germany to Australia on the Anna Salen in 1954. I think the ship stopped in Greece somewhere. Not sure where he arrived with the pictures of the ship there are pictures of Albury Western Australia, not sure if this is significant.
Added by Julie on 03 January 2018
Hello Monica, that is the same voyage I came on. I was 5 years old at the time. Do you have any pictures? We cannot seem to find a passenger list of that voyage.
Added by Peter Schoneich on 11 January 2018
Hi, My grandfather, Johann Popp was on the Anna Salen from Bremen to Quebec. He arrived in Canada July 11, 1953. Was anyone on this specific crossing? Thank you.
Added by Lisa on 26 January 2018
My ex wife, her sister and parents arrived on the Anna Salen in 1954 and then went to the Commonwealth Immigration Centre, Bonegilla
before settling in Mitcham in Melbourne.

SAUTER Franz; Waltraud (nee Turowski) ; Sylvia and Petra travelled per ANNA SALEN in 1954
I am currently researching family history

Added by Greg on 28 January 2018
Has anyone been able to find the passenger list for this ship to Canada? My dad came over in 1953 to Quebec City.
Added by Jeffry on 08 February 2018
Does anyone have photos of the crossing from Bremerhaven to Halifax in June 1952?
Added by Peter Hessel on 08 February 2018
Hi Martin, I too was on the Anna Salen which left Malta on the 8th February 1955 and arrived in Melbourne around the 12 of March, with my mother and father, and brother. I was 5 years old and am trying to obtain same information about the trip.
Added by Maria Buhagiar neeBorg on 28 February 2018
Peter, I have some pictures of that trip please contact me by e-mail.
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 08 March 2018
for the trip Germany to Australia arriving Melbourne 2.7.1954 contact the Immigration Museeum in Melbourne, they have a passenger list however one has to pay for this archive. I came on this ship as a 9 year old.
Added by Hilke Morison nee Puncken on 09 March 2018
The National Archives also have information about Passengers. You can access that online for free.
Added by Greg on 30 March 2018
Hi Maria Buhagiar I believe the Anna Salen departed Malta on the 29th of January of 1955; and arrived in Melbourne on the 13th of March 1955; the voyage took 36 days, my brother is checking the passenger manifests to see if your family were on board, cheers Martin Debono
Added by Martin Debono on 03 April 2018
Anna Salen arriving in Melbourne/Australia 30 March 1952, my grandfather was 19 years old at the time and is of German heritage. Was anyone on this journey and may recall Ulrich Gatzky. I have found a record on national archives but am hoping for more information. Tia
Added by Ree on 06 April 2018
I arrived from Germany in 1954 left Bremerhaven early March arrived in Melbourne in April around Easter. I know the months are correct as I actually turned 8 on board 28th March unable to find the exact arrival time it was the Anna Salen. Is there anyone that can verify arrival date. Just curious!
A wee bit of surfing shows that this ship was built as the cargo ship Mormcland but completed as HMS Archer, a Long Island class escort carrier. Her transmission was always undependable so she became a merchant aircraft ferry, the Empire Lagan. Her history as HMS Archer is quite interesting. There is a film taken on board Anna Salen to be found on the Wikepedia article on HMS Archer
Added by W Watters on 13 May 2018
My parents, (Cordina) brother Joseph aged 15 months and myself, Helen aged 5 months old arrived in Australia January 1955 from Malta
Added by Helen Spartalis on 18 May 2018
I am researching my family history, I know my grandmother and 6 girls ranging from 1 year to 14 were on the Anna Salen from Brem Germany and landed in NS August 25, 1951 looking for anything thank you.
Added by Susan on 10 June 2018
My Father (Gotthard Wagner) and his Brother (Dieter Wagner) were on the July 2nd, 1953 trip from Bremen to Quebec. I would love to get any info (photos of life on board, passenger list, etc...).
Added by Paul N. WAGNER on 17 June 2018
LOOKING for anyone who came on the ship Anna Salen, August 3.1953 arriving in Quebec City.They departed from Bremerhaven, Germany, July 1953.
Added by Werner Eichberg on 18 June 2018
Looking for anyone who arrived in Quebec City on August 3, 1953 from Bremerhaven, Germany. I have a few pics.
Added by Werner Eichberg on 21 June 2018
I commented before on the picture, my dad Wilhelm definitely came in 1954. Unsure of the month. I do have a couple of pics from the ship of some people i do not know..one of them is not exactly PC for today's times so i won't share here...my dad ended up working on the snowy mpuntains scheme. Email me on [email protected] if you think there may be a link.
Anonymous comment added on 06 July 2018
Hi Werner. My dad was on that voyage. Please contact me
Added by Jeff on 09 July 2018
My grandfather was on board the Anna Salen, landed in Melbourne 16th June 1955. His name is Paul T Schulz. He is Polish, but would have boarded the ship in Germany. Does anyone have any information about him, or have any links to useful websites to find out more?
I am just starting the journey of his past, and any information would be so so helpful. Regards, Alexandra
Added by Alexandra Harris on 13 July 2018
I arrived in Halifax with my mother on the Anna Salen on Dec. 29, 1951. My mother recalled a terrible storm which damaged the rudder and took days to repair. As a cautionary measure the ship was rerouted from it's original destination of Quebec City to Halifax. This might explain why there is no record of it's Nova Scotia arrival in the Pier 21 data base.
Added by William Hehn on 13 July 2018
My mother, Lauha Hyytinen and my aunt Helen (nee unknown) were on the ship on the way backto Newy YOrk (I think) from the Olympic games in Helsinki, Finland. Mom was annoyed because the NYT spelled her names as "Laura" instead of "Lauha" in the article. I just discovered a photo album of them on the ship including photos of them, others with passengers and the ship's staff, and the ship. She has since passed away but said the trip - including the shipwreck, was an adventure of a lifetime!
Added by Gwen on 14 August 2018
Gwen I was a passenger 8 years old on that trip, would be very happy to get copies of some pictures. Will gladly pay the expenses.
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 17 August 2018
William Hehn. I was on that voyage which arrived in Halifax on Dec. 29, 1951. Please contact me at [email protected]

Added by Peter Pockl Schoneich on 17 August 2018
Hello William Hehn, I too was on the Anna Salen that arrived in Halifax on Dec. 29, 1951. I was 5 years old at the time. Please contact me.

Added by Peter Pockl Schoneich on 22 August 2018
This will rock you. My father, the late Horst Merkel of Bunbury, Western Australia, was the “Steuermann”, helmsman, at the time of the collision pictured. I remember him flying to London from Bremerhaven,where we lived for the court case. As I recall it no blame was attached to either party due to thick fog. I also remember the Olympic Rings being painted on the Anna Salen for the 1952 Helsinki Olympics while it was berthed at the Columbus Pier in Bremerhaven. My father was helmsman on the Anna Salen in he early 50’s. I remember his trips to Helsinki, Canada and Australia. He brought back several small flags from Halifax, Nova Scotia and New York. To cap it off, our family migrated to Australia on the Anna Salen on that 10 September,1954 trip to Australia arriving in Melbourne on 16 October, 1954. I recall passengers disembarked over two days. I was 8 at the time. We departed on day 2 for Bonegilla by train and later to Reid on the Transline in WA. From there we moved to Kalgoorlie where I left for Perth in early 1966. My mother and father moved to Bunbury in February 1970. They remained there until,their respective passing. My Dad was a keen photographer and amateur home movie maker. He filmed some of that September to October 1954 journey. I had it copied to disc. The quality is not the best. A highlight on it is the “Baptism” by King Neptune at the equator crossing. I still have my baptismal certificate. I hope this may help throw a little light on this journey for those who may be interested.
Added by Mike Merkel on 05 September 2018
Hi I am the great grand daughter of Isle Dorethea Kirchhoff and grand daughter of Gabriele Kirchhoff Kindelan. My grandmothers travelled on the Anna Salene on the 16th October 1954 from Germany. I'm just wondering if anyone who travelled on this ship have moved to far North Queensland - tableland area or if anyone stayed in Melbourne. Would love to hear from you.. my email is [email protected]
Added by Pina on 07 September 2018
My father, Robert Teran, his siblings and parents, Robert Teran (senior) and Klara Straub sailed from Bremerhaven to Melbourne in 1954. Did anyone know them? Please contact me at [email protected]
Added by Tanya Mayson on 22 September 2018
Hallo is there anyway we can get Orkney to assist in obtaining passenger lists. Especially my trip Jan 1955 Bremen to Sydney arrival March 1955

[Hi Joerg- The correspondents above will have a better chance at getting the passenger lists than we do here, after all the Anna Salen was never meant to go to Orkney! I'm delighted that this picture has been such a great rallying point though, and I know John Budge the original poster is as well - Steven Heddle (webmaster)]
Added by Joerg Schweinfurth on 08 October 2018
I have now found the photo of passengers loading onto the ship for the Journey that arrived in Melbourne April 1953 A couple of you were interested in a copy... please email me [email protected] if you want a copy
Added by Gwen Nicholson (Schulze) on 08 October 2018
My family and I also came to Halifax on the Anna Salen December 29th, 1951. We boarded at Le Havre with Montreal as our destination. My father was Emilio Subirana (1922-2007) and my mother Carmen Fernandez (1924-). My sister and I were born in France after our parents had left Spain by sneaking through the border. We originally had a refugee application for Brazil but we instead went to Canada. This was apparently the last free trip to Canada paid for by the International Refugee Organization. I remember the ship rolling very much and being tossed down the hallways by the motion. The other thing I remember was the awful smell coming from the cafeteria. I don't know what it was but I will never forget it. Everyone was very seasick except for the kids. My parents tell me there were several abandon ship alarms and that it was the worst storm in 25 years on the North Atlantic. We were very impressed by all the lights in Halifax but were given salted butter by the immigration people which we found disgusting. Canada worked out just fine for all concerned. My Uncle (Ignacio Subirana), aunt (Lola Pujol), cousins (Libert, Sara) and grandparents (Ignacio Subirana, Julia Gras) followed shortly after but had to pay their passage.
Added by Emile Subirana on 11 November 2018
Hi. My name is Loiza. My parents Konstantinos and Maria Psarras and my 2 sisters travelled from Greece on the Anna Salen arriving in Melbourne on 2/7/1954. We also went to Bonegilla before settling in Adelaide. I was 4 years old at the time and spent most of the voyage with my younger sister in the infirmary due to measles outbreak. My older sister was infirmed in Bonegilla. I have partial passenger list (with our names) from national archives in Canberra.
Added by Loiza Karamanis (nee Psarras) on 14 November 2018
Just found my Dad's landed immigrant card. I posted before that he came in 1952 but I was wrong. He landed according to this card August 3 1951 on the M.S, Anna Salen. It says his name appears on the sheet #30 line 21. How cool is that? He came cabin class and has his medical stamp...just says Landed Immigrant. I am sure somewhere I saw a photo of the ship so I am on a hunt for that now. Several boxes to go through.
Added by Ellen Glynn ( Mischke) on 07 March 2019
My e-mail provider has changed would you please make the change in the file from [email protected] to [email protected]. Thank-you
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 08 March 2019
My mother Christa Edeltraud Bauer left Bremen and arrived in Quebec on July 13 1953 on the ms Anna Salen. Did you know her.

Added by Ken salo on 17 March 2019
PS My Parents were Margaret & Georg Friedrich
Added by Eberhard Friedrich on 08 August 2019
I was 6 months old arriving in Melbourne Oct 1954 from Bremerhafen. All I have is the certificate of crossing the equator on Oct 1 1954. Most of the writing has faded including the name of the Captain if anyone has it or photos.
Added by Eberhardt Friedrich on 08 August 2019
I have my father’s passenger ticket for the Anna Salen going to Melbourne in 1954. The paperwork said to arrival date was mid September but I see from some stories it arrived in October and the crossing was rough. His name was Heinrich Bernhoerster.
Added by Catherine Bern on 25 August 2019
My father, Rudolf Wernicke, travelled from Bremerhaven on Anna Salen Nov 5, 1951 arriving in Halifax Nov 16, 1951. I believe he came alone at 31 years of age. Would love to find a passenger list or maybe someone who travelled with him. He passed away in 1973.
Added by Diana Baird (Wernicke) on 17 October 2019
My parents, my young brother and I traveled to Halifax from Le Havre in December of 1951. The ship did not have stabilizers and the Atlantic Ocean was very rough. Everyone was seasick, except for most of the children. The refectory was empty. The men and boys slept in one big room with bunk beds; the women and girls in another. We were told that Ana Salén had been used during the war to transport soldiers to fight in Europe. Something happened during our voyage. There was a loud sound of a crash and we were told to grab our lifesaver jacket and go up on deck. I never found out what it was. We celebrated Christmas onboard. A very moving experience when everyone sang the well known Christmas carols in their own language. I would love to have a photograph of Anna Salén.

Added by Sonya Tocheff on 13 December 2019
My parents Irmgarde and Herberts sailed from Naples to Fremantle July 1949 from Naples and arrived August 1949 with my Uncle - Eduard Heise
Like to hear about how the facilities would of been.
Added by Andris. Stelmachers on 10 January 2020
My mother Maria Krenn came to Canada from Austria on the Anna Salen in 1953. Probably August. I would love to have any pictures from that trip
Added by Ingrid Schuh on 25 February 2020
My parents Horst and Oda Nowrath arrived in Quebec from Bremerhaven on October 26, 1953, on the Anna Salen. I have already contacted one person who also had a relative arrive on that voyage, but the email address is no longer relevant. Any info/ photos/names etc of that voyage would be amazing. My dad still has his ticket and he recalls being seasick the whole time.
Added by Gwen Mladenov on 18 May 2020
My parents, my young brother and I traveled to Halifax from Le Havre in December of 1951. The ship did not have stabilizers and the Atlantic Ocean was very rough. Everyone was seasick, except for most of the children. The refectory was empty. The men and boys slept in one big room with bunk beds; the women and girls in another. We were told that Ana Salén had been used during the war to transport soldiers to fight in Europe. Something happened during our voyage. There was a loud sound of a crash and we were told to grab our lifesaver jacket and go up on deck. I never found out what it was. We celebrated Christmas onboard. A very moving experience when everyone sang the well known Christmas carols in their own language. I would love to have a photograph of Anna Salén.

Added by Sonya Tocheff on 29 June 2020
Sonya I have several pictures please contact me.
Added by Hans Hagemeier on 30 June 2020
My dad , Heinz Pamp , came out on the Anna Salen from Bremerhaven , arriving Melbourne Australia on 30th March 1952 .
I have only EVER found 1 record of him , and it is that arrival.
Navigating that NAA site is just dizzying -round and round.
If anyone has any idea where else might be a good place to search his immigrant details , i would be so very grateful.
Regards PB :)

Added by PB on 10 October 2020
What a wonerful list of family stories. My mother Christa Edeltraud Bauer came to Quebec City from Bremen Germany in July of 1953 aboard the Anna Salen. Any info. from anyone would be a wonderful fulfillment of a life's journey.
Added by Ken Salo on 16 October 2020
Hello Emile Subriana,
I was on the Anna Salen that arrived in Halifax on Dec. 29, 1951. There is no passenger list of that voyage that I can find. I have no pictures either.
Added by Peter Pockl Schoneich on 19 October 2020
My Dad came to Australia with his Mum and step dad on the Anna Salem and travelled in July 1954. I had only just found out this by searching passenger lists. My father was Gerd Kuhl and his mother was Erika Henkel (nee Meissner). I never knew until now what the ship was called and when he came to Australia.
Added by Jennifer Foreman on 19 November 2020
Ernst Jegodtka sailed Anna Salen dept Germany 27 03 1953 arrived Australia 9 10 1954
Added by Janet crawley on 28 November 2020
My family, Dad Anton Langmair, Mum Hilda Langmair, my sister Anita, my brother Wolfgang and I, Reinhard, came to Australia on the Anna Salen in 1954, I think we landed in Melbourne in October. I have a post card of the Anna Salen and a photograph of the family on deck. I remember crossing the equator ceremony, some recollections of the shared cabins, my mother seasick for most of the trip.
Added by Reinhard Anton Langmair on 16 January 2021
I was on the Anna Salen arriving in Melbourne on the 16th June 1955 with my parents Margarete & Joachim Raue and sister Monika. We settled in Moe in the Latrobe Valley, where we met Fritz and Helga Mentzing, also passengers on the same voyage.
Added by Elke Hawkes on 08 August 2021
My father Robert Göttlicher sailed from Germany to Halifax in 1952 aboard the Anna Salen. My mother Maria Fimpel also sailed aboard the Anna Salen in 1953. Does anyone remember meeting them?
Added by Ed Goettlicher on 22 August 2021
Ed Goettlicher, What month did your father arrive in Halifax?
Added by Anita cameron on 27 August 2021
I'm looking for information regarding the Anna Salen departure from Germany to Halifax, pier 21 1951. It says there were to landings, Dec and then Dec 29th. My grandparents Hugo and Elfriede Seibert, along with my mother ( now 76) were on that ship. Wondering which it was for them.
Added by Sandi Macleod on 06 December 2021
In reply to SANDI MACLEOD's message posted on December 2021. Could you please contact me at [email protected]
I was on the Anna Salen that arrived in Halifax on December 29, 1951. I was 5 years old at the time and I'm 75 today. So your mom and I were 5 years old when we sailed on that ship.
Added by Peter Schoneich on 19 January 2022
In reply to Sandi Macleod and Peter Schoneich: I don't know if this helps but if you embarked in Germany, the boat stopped in Le Havre before crossing the Atlantic. That's where I got on. I am not aware of another landing in Canada.
Added by Emile Subirana on 14 February 2022
I renewed my subscription to Ancestry and received a passenger list (only page 3) listing my father, Rudolf Wernicke. The Anna Salen departed Nov 5, 1951. The ancestry file is called "Africa, Asia and Europe, Passenger Lists of Displaced Persons, 1946-1971. Only 20 names listed on this page, but I thought it may interest some of you searching for passenger lists. The source Citation is Arolsen Archives.
Added by Diana Baird (Wernicke) on 16 February 2022
My Father Carmelo Borg was on the Anna Salen from Malta in February 1954 and arrived in Sydney after that. I have some photos of this trip with him and friends and one tagged "me and the Germans"
Added by Mena on 19 April 2022
See picture #28838 for a certificate for crossing the equator on the Anna Salen in 1954
Added by Steven Heddle on 21 April 2022
our family Puncken was on the Anna Salen arriving in Melbourne on the 2nd July 1954. I received all paasenger listsings from the Immigration Museum in Melbourne. Everything is on fish. It was worthwhile paying for this information. I live in Perth now.
Added by Hilke Morison on 03 May 2022
Does anyone have any information (pictures/passengers lists/ passenger whereabouts etc) on the Anna Salen’s voyage arriving at Pier 21 Halifax June 4th, 1951??
Added by Bonnie on 21 June 2022
HI does anyone know how to find the passenger lists from the ship? My Dad came over in 1953 from Bremen to Quebec city.
Added by Jeffry Roick on 20 February 2023
My mother as well as her sister and brother in law were on the Anna Salén returning from the summer Olympics in Helsinki when the ship was struck. She recalls spending a couple of weeks on an island inhabited mostly by sheep while the ship was being repaired. They slept on the ship at night and were brought to shore and provided sack lunches during the day while she underwent repairs. Luckily the weather was good and her memories are mainly of spending time in the fields on the island surrounded by sheep.
Added by Fran Miller on 03 June 2023
To Fran Miller I was on that trip turned 8 years old on our landing in Canada, I have pictures of the crash if you are interested please contact me.

Added by Hans Hagemeier on 25 June 2023
Hans, I would love the pictures that you have! My mother was in her early 20's and used her $200 life savings to attend the Summer Olympics. She is 92 now and would be tickled pink to see photos.
Added by Fran Miller on 07 July 2023
My father Tadeuz Stolarski arrived in Fremantle - Western Australia’s a 21 year old emigrant (New Australian)
In 1949
Added by Robert Stolarski on 24 November 2023
My father was Thomas Boenisch, he was a passenger from Austria, eventually landing in Quebec. His departure on the ship, Anna Salen was on July 2, 1953.

If anyone else has ancestors that were on this same ship, I would love to connect.
Added by Pauline Boenisch on 22 December 2023
I posted much earlier that my father, Herbert Mischke, came across in 1952 but have since found a passenger list and boarding pass saying the Anna Salen left Bremerhaven on July 24th 1951. He came with several men hired to work in Algonquin Park in Ontario as loggers and lived in Pembrook On while there.

Added by Ellen Glynn ( Mischke) on 05 January 2024
Hi to Ellen Glynn. Are you able to tell me how you sourced the passenger lists please? I would find it very helpful. Kind regards, Gwen Mladenov
Added by Gwen Mladenov on 22 January 2024
Hello Gwen Mladenov. I found the passenger list for my Dad or at least a partial list on Ancestry.ca while doing a search. I would gladly send you what I found if you think your family member was also on the ship at this time.
Added by Ellen Glynn ( Mischke) on 25 January 2024
Hello again Gwen Mladenov. I went on ancestry and found the passenger list having your parents on it. The ship left bremerhaven on the 17th of October 1953. Your father was a watchmaker.. please email me and I can send it to you . :: [email protected]

Added by Ellen Glynn ( Mischke) on 26 January 2024
Hi Ellen. How did you find that list on Ancestry?

Added by Jeffry Roick on 29 January 2024
Jeffry Roick..There is a listing for immigration and I was able to find it that way. I still cannot find one for my mother and brother who came over just 3 months after my Dad so not everything seems to be published
I got lucky finding Gwens because a family member may have published it I think
Best of luck searching. Not an easy task for sure
Added by Ellen Glynn ( Mischke) on 05 February 2024
My grandparents and an uncle first arrived in Australia on Anna Salen on 2 July 1954.
Added by Phillip Rollas on 07 June 2024
Just joined. Never knew this site existed. On the 2nd July 1954, my father mother, brother, myself and younger sister arrived In Australia 70 yrs ago. Thankfully my youngest daughter (44) found this site. Would love to hear from others who came FROM GREECE and what you remember, myself as a 6yr old not much. Thanks in anticipation. Maria Latter nee(Antonopoulos or Andonopoulos)
Added by MARIA LATTER on 03 July 2024
I obtained all records of the passenger list of the arrival 2nd July 1954 from the immigration museum in Melbourne. they have it on fish and I paid a fee to get a copy. It was very detailed.
Added by Hilke Morison on 25 July 2024
There had been an earthquake in Greece around May 1954. A number of people affected by the disaster were taken to Australia by the Anna Salen from the port of Piraeus. Approximate Translation from the daily news sheet, “Anna Salen News” dated June 3 1954. “We ask that our Cuxhafen (Ie German) passengers develop a good relationship with the Greek passengers we will take on board in Piraeus. A number come from areas affected by earthquakes. Please treat these people with compassion and
kindness. We appreciate your cooperation. All cabins will now be occupied and we apologise that passengers will no longer be able to change their accommodation.” Lots of children came in this group.
Added by Barbara Chivers on 25 July 2024
Thank you Hilke Morison and Barbara Chivers for your replies. I'd love to find out were part of the Greeks picked up due to earthquakes. Also how were family chosen for a new life in Australia and what criteria did we have to meet to be eligible? Also did the adults have to work for the Australian Govt. To repay the transportation?
Added by Maria Latter on 26 July 2024
The males had a 2 year bond with the government. My father was sent to North Queensland to workcutting sugar cane.
Added by Hilke Morison on 29 August 2024
For those who want to see the passenger lists for the Anna Salen. I found all of my family ones and also other immigrants living here in Val-d'Or, Quebec. It's on Ancestry. See list of displaced persons,Africa,Asia and Europe 1946-1971
Added by Peter Schoneich on 14 February 2025
I came to Halifax on dec 29 on the Anna Selena that left Bremerhaven dec 17 1952
Added by Janis Brikmanis on 24 February 2025
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