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One for the older Orcadians.
Does anyone know what the Rendall M I Society was and can anyone put a name to any of the people in the picture or the building in the background?

Picture added on 27 November 2007
MI stands for Mutual Improvement. It looks like they were on an outing to the Bay of Skaill, for I think that's Skaill House in the background. From the ladies' hats I'd say it was pre-First World War. The chances are that if you spent a few hours looking through the microfilms of the Orkney Herald or Orcadian at the library you'd find a report of it. Peace's Almanac for 1911 lists the office bearers as President, G Williamson; Vice-President, J Fraser; Secretary and Treasurer, J Wood jr.; Librarian, J Corrigall, Overhouse. On the same page G Williamson is listed as a teacher and J Wood jr as Wholesale & Retail Commission & General Agent, Cycle Maker and Repairer and Shipping and Emigration Agent!
Added by Paul Sutherland on 28 November 2007
Rendall Mutual Improvement Society Outing to Tankerness House ?
Added by Ian Cameron on 28 November 2007
I've just seen Picture 1504 of Skaill House and you are quite right Paul. It was taken from almost the exact same spot.
I'm fairly certain that I've identified my grandfather John MacKay who farmed Cott in Rendall, and his sister Jessie. It would be nice to be able to identify everyone in the picture but that's a pretty long shot.
I'm fairly certain that I've identified my grandfather John MacKay who farmed Cott in Rendall, and his sister Jessie. It would be nice to be able to identify everyone in the picture but that's a pretty long shot.
Added by Alistair Hourston on 29 November 2007
Yet another terrific old photograph. I'm hoping that other members of the group can be identified, as I keep hoping to actually see one of my ancestors. I have two questions: did the Mutual Improvement Society grow out of the temperance movement; what did a "Commission Agent" do?
Best for now, Wilma in Vancouver, BC
Best for now, Wilma in Vancouver, BC
Added by Wilma on 30 November 2007
I would say Skaill House for certain. Tankerness house does not have a cannon that I know of, of an embankment on its lawn.
See link www.skaillhouse.com
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See link www.skaillhouse.com
Added by Alastair on 30 November 2007