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Picture added on 09 December 2003
Does anyone have the names of those pictured?
Added by Fiona Reid on 25 September 2005
my mother told me the following
back row l to r, ? Bain, ??, Alan Monkman, ??, ??, ??, Jim Leonard, Keith Donaldson, Cecil Swanney,
middle row l to r, Mrs Laird, Hazel Yule, Venus Clyne, ??, Margret Harold, Wilma Leask, Cathrine Mair, Colin Craige, Bernard Morson,
front row l to r, Caroline Bakie, ??, Bob Johnston, Violet Rorie, Anne Blance, Roddy Bews, Kenny Heddle
hope this helps out a bit
back row l to r, ? Bain, ??, Alan Monkman, ??, ??, ??, Jim Leonard, Keith Donaldson, Cecil Swanney,
middle row l to r, Mrs Laird, Hazel Yule, Venus Clyne, ??, Margret Harold, Wilma Leask, Cathrine Mair, Colin Craige, Bernard Morson,
front row l to r, Caroline Bakie, ??, Bob Johnston, Violet Rorie, Anne Blance, Roddy Bews, Kenny Heddle
hope this helps out a bit
Added by Mick Harcus on 26 May 2007
I could try and fill in the question marks.
Back row,L-R.,Jimmy Bain,Willa Newlands,James Craigie, Karl Rorie,William Sinclair.
Middle Row,L-R.,4th.in, Mary Wilson,Mary Irvine,8th.in,Kathleen Mair,at the end,Bernard Morrison.
Front Row,L-R.,Clarence Baikie,Billy Fraser,6th.in,Ruby Bews,at the end, James Sinclair.
Added by Phil Brough.
Back row,L-R.,Jimmy Bain,Willa Newlands,James Craigie, Karl Rorie,William Sinclair.
Middle Row,L-R.,4th.in, Mary Wilson,Mary Irvine,8th.in,Kathleen Mair,at the end,Bernard Morrison.
Front Row,L-R.,Clarence Baikie,Billy Fraser,6th.in,Ruby Bews,at the end, James Sinclair.
Added by Phil Brough.
Added by Phil Brough on 05 September 2009
TOP ROW Jimmy Bain, Willa Newlands, Alan Monkman, James Ronald Craigie, Karl Rorie, Willie Sinclair, Jeemie Leonard, Keith Donaldson, Cecil Swannie. 2nd row- Mrs Laird, Hazel Yule,V enus Kathleen Mair, Clyne, Mary Wilson, Mary Irvine, Margret Harrold, Wilma Liesk, Colin Craigie, Bernerd, Morrison, 3rd row Clarence Baikie,B illy Frazer, Bob(plumber) Johnston, Violet Rorie, Annie Blance, Ruby Bews, Kenny Heddle, Jimmy Sinclair.
Added by Liz Firth on 08 September 2009
No 61 names are Top row Jimmy Bain,William Newlands,Alan Monkman,James Ronald Craigie,Karl Rorie,William Sinclair,James Leonard,Keith Donaldson,Cecil Swanney.Middle row Mrs Laird,Hazel Yule,Venus Clyne,Mary Wilson,Mary Irvine,Margret Harrold,Wilma Leisk,Kathleen Mair,Colin Craigie,Bernard Morrison,Third row Clarence Baikie,Billy Frazer,Robert Johnston,Violet Rorie,Annie Blance,Ruby Bews,Kenneth Heddle,James Sinclair.
Added by Liz Firth on 13 September 2009
It's Kathleen Mair
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Added by Sandra on 31 October 2010