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Invoice for work on Waas boat
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Invoice for work on Waas boat

This may interest people with South Waas connections.

This invoice /receipt was sent to my late Grandfather for work completed on one of his boats

Photo taken by myself in April 2018
Picture added on 08 May 2018 at 21:56
Very very interested and delighted to see this as the man who did the work was my grandfather, John GF Ross, Crockness. I have never seen one of his invoices before. (By the way we are related through the Nicholson line).
Added by Jane Harris on 11 May 2018
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Hoy and Walls

The Haven, BrimsFrom the Longhope Lifeboat MuseumJohnstons at Hurliness HouseHMS Iron Duke after air attackRackwick BayBurra SoundScapa Ranger rusting in 2019Torpedo Attack Trainer building at Rinnigill, HoyMid Rinnigill cottage, Rinnigill, HoyWartime buildings in the woods at Lyness