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Unknown Gent..probably a Johnston but not sure 1920's is a date guess
Picture added on 22 May 2017 at 13:00
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Mystery places or things or people
Can't help with the Gent's identity - sorry - but I think a better date guess would be 1930s. The motorcycle looks like a Triumph from that decade.
Added by Ian Hourston on 22 May 2017
He is the spitting image of Kenny Sinclair from Eastside Birsay, you are a descendent of one J Johnston, think it might be him.
Added by Issy Grieve on 25 May 2017
North Ness in the background.The foreground is not as I remember it but maybe a trick of the camera. The Masonic Lodge chimneys maybe?
Added by Beryl Simpson on 25 May 2017
Yes mum thinks it's Jim o Leary which was my grandads brother. He was married to Emma Moar of muce !
Added by Kenny sinclair on 27 May 2017
Jimmy Johnston o Leary was a cousin of my father's and a 'favourite uncle' of mine. One of his endearing characteristics was the way he would terminate his occasional (and always welcome) visits to our home in Stromness: he'd suddenly stand up, clap his cap on his head, say "Weel, bairns, time to go. Thank you and cheerio!" and out the door.
I never saw or heard of him with a motorbike, though he certainly was married to Emma Moar, exclamation-mark and all.
This gentleman is unfamiliar to me; I'm confident he's NOT 'Uncle Jimmy'.
I never saw or heard of him with a motorbike, though he certainly was married to Emma Moar, exclamation-mark and all.
This gentleman is unfamiliar to me; I'm confident he's NOT 'Uncle Jimmy'.
Added by Ian Hourston on 27 May 2017
Ok probably not him then! Looking at other photos supplied by the same person it looks like they're johnston's from Longhope!
Added by Kenny sinclair on 29 May 2017
This man has a Johnstone look about him with a long jawline and a wry smile a look that Sammy Johnstone o the Muirs had .
Added by John Budge on 31 May 2017
I would say this photograph was taken outside Bob Johnstone's Garage (Cycle Bob).
Added by John Budge on 31 May 2017
Kenny Sinclair, I've been mulling over your comment above - and Karen Walls's comment on #27174. We're obviously blood relations, albeit not very close. My unreliable memory tells me Jimmy Johnston had two brothers and a sister - Willie, Jock and Maggie - who all had daughters of whom your mother must have been one. So I suppose that makes us '2nd cousins once-removed'.
Should we throw a big party . . ? Nah, let's not bother.
Should we throw a big party . . ? Nah, let's not bother.
Added by Ian Hourston on 03 June 2017
It took many years and additional photos. But I believe this is my great uncle, John Johnston. Also shown in picture #23250
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Added by Richard Johnston on 21 February 2024