The Orkney Image Library
No: 27594 Contributor: Ian Hourston Year: 2014
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Prepared today 6 Nov 2014
Further to picture #27582, here's my attempt to transcribe the transcription. I was at a loss until the penny dropped and I realised it's intended to be sung to the old tune 'Where the Mountains of Mourne Sweep down to the Sea'. Try it, but it won't work unless you pronounce 'Gallipoli' in the way I describe at the start. Hope you like it James Kelday, but if it's pistols at dawn I choose rubber-band guns.
PS: Just for fun, why don't viewers spend a happy hour or two with the family, trying to work out what it is that begins with a B near the very end! Here's a clue: it's not Bathwater!
Picture added on 11 November 2014 at 21:49
A couple of verses are given here www.ww1photos.com/OldGallipolisAWonderfulPlace.html. There were probably a lot of different versions and authors (a bit like "Bloody Orkney", which seems to have been about lots of other places around the world before someone adapted it to Orkney).
Added by Paul Sutherland on 12 November 2014
After a not-so-happy couple of hours our family is split - seven of us (the older, wiser generation) think it's Brylcreem and the other seven (ignorant young fools) think it's beer and is there a prize for this?
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Anonymous comment added on 15 November 2014