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The Boys o the Longhope Youth Club around 1966-67
Back row Ian McFadyan-Ericie McFadyen-Jim Groat-Davie Leask
Front row Davie Groat-Anderson Sutherland(Youth Leader)John Budge-Stewart Taylor-Malcolm McKay
We had great fun back then I am sure they were better times for young anes than the young folk have today.
Picture added on 14 September 2012 at 20:00
Malcolm McKay told me about this photo when he visited me in the hospital in Aberdeen. He wondered why Anna and me weren't in it but I think it must have been taken just before we started going to the youth club, Anderson came along one night about Easter 1967 to see if we would come along and take part in the concert. Davie Leask was just a few days older than me so he would have left the school Christmas 1966 so that narrows down the date of the photo. You just a young chap o' 16 John for I remember your birthday as well, the same as Princess Anne :-) Great fun as you say John, the only game I play now is on the Nintendo Wii but it's just no the same as a game o' badminton in the YM. Did Harry Berry take the photo?
Added by Beryl SImpson on 14 September 2012
what a bunch of lads and anderson sutherland the youth club there as well
Added by Anon on 16 September 2012
Anderson should have been awarded the VC for his patience with this lot.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 16 September 2012
I think it might have been Harry Russell who took the photo as Harry came tae the Island some times, did he no travel aroond the shops taking orders on behalf o some whole seller aboot Kirkwall?.
Aye Stewart wae were a bit o a rabble right enough although some who are not in the photograph were miby even more prone to lets say the unpredictable .
Sadly some of our age group are no longer around and life has changed for us all since these carefree days.
Yes Andersone hid a lot tae pit up way.
The push bikes in the hall even even motorbikes and scooters I can still here him shouting after near 50 years!!.
Poor Kenneth, wiz he no jist a an event of great magnitude waiting tae happen! aye we were a hand full indeed.
Aye Stewart wae were a bit o a rabble right enough although some who are not in the photograph were miby even more prone to lets say the unpredictable .
Sadly some of our age group are no longer around and life has changed for us all since these carefree days.
Yes Andersone hid a lot tae pit up way.
The push bikes in the hall even even motorbikes and scooters I can still here him shouting after near 50 years!!.
Poor Kenneth, wiz he no jist a an event of great magnitude waiting tae happen! aye we were a hand full indeed.
Added by John Budge on 24 September 2012
Harry used to phone the Royal for Whisky orders so maybe he did come out to the island. We had a man from Garden's that stayed every month but that was the only travelling salesman and Harrison Johnston, mustn't forget him. The late Kenneth Johnston a heavy goods lorry driver who would have thought he would end up doing that for a living back then. Plum a grand net player who put everything into his game, on the floor more than on his feet but still could win. Me and Anna moaning about having to make the supper and clear up the mouse dirt in the cutlery drawer - great times and it all went past far too fast. Can hear mum yet " It's the best years o' your life and your just wishing them away" but that was the way back then always looking forward to the next night out for it was such fun and thank goodness you had a licence Stewart for it ment we could all go round to the club after the youth club and try and get in depending who was on the door. Eric Heddle was pretty good but being married to my autie was a help. I'm afraid Mervyn and his group spoilt it for themselves one night in the TV room and that was the end of 16 yr old's getting in but we must have all been very good and managed to escape such punishment. Anderson and the Youth Club trip to St Margaret's Hope one bonnie Sunday when all you guys went to the Murray Arms after we went to Berriedale Dairy and Anna and me got dragged to the kirk, we sat on the wall eating a packed lunch with Anderson who gave up on us all in the end and went away with Pickin the minister. We went down the pier to be told by a very wild Sid to get back up that pier and get them out of the Fxxxxxx pub so by then we were in a right bad mood and started pinging stones at the Murray windows to get your attention for we were too young to go in. A few were in a pretty happy state that day but Anna and me we were in a poots all the way home. Hahaha
Added by Beryl Simpson on 24 September 2012
I remember the Groat Brothers well, particularly Neil who is not in this picture. Davie used to drive a Morris van I remember that had a fault with its clutch pedal, it would not come back up again so he had a bit of baler twine tied to it so that he could pull it up when he needed to push it down. I did not know the other lads as well and it was three years before my time there.
Added by Charles Corbett. on 25 January 2013
fond memories but where are the lasses anyone have that photo ?
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Added by David Leask on 06 December 2015