The Orkney Image Library
No: 25417 Contributor: No Contributor Year: 2011
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The Old Orcadia, such a shame to see it like this, all rusty and neglected...she was a grand boat in her day

Picture added on 27 July 2011 at 18:05
What a sad sight!
Added by Sandy on 27 July 2011
A bit like us ex crew members.Ha!
Added by Billy Cardno on 28 July 2011
Where ?
Anonymous comment added on 28 July 2011
That is a pity right enough. Many happy memories. Where is she berthed these days?
Added by Jacqui Hirst on 28 July 2011
Nothing's that sad Billy. Ha Ha!
I see on the internet that MV Louisa was the subject of a court case last year. I wonder if this is the same ship?
I see on the internet that MV Louisa was the subject of a court case last year. I wonder if this is the same ship?
Added by Sandy on 28 July 2011
I think that she is berthed in Puerto de Santa Maria near Cadiz in Spain. Looks like she is waiting to go to the breakers. A sad sight indeed
Added by Malcolm Scott on 28 July 2011
I believe she was overseas and has since been scrapped, she was involved in a court case last year indeed - Such a shame.
Added by Andrew Rae on 28 July 2011
Heck, I can hardly believe it was fifty years ago that she came to OISC. Ahm gittan, no, I am owld. I manifested many of her cargoes in the 60s. That was in the days of barrows and slings.
Added by Sandy on 29 July 2011
Anyone know for certain what's happened to her since this was taken?
Added by Alistair Foden on 04 March 2012
I was a wee lad aboard her when Benny was first mate in the early 80's,been awa fae the Orkneys since before she was retired.....I also would like tae ken fit happend to her
Added by Jim freeman on 22 August 2013
It amy still be there in legal limbo, rotting away since 2004: http://www.sidi-isil.org/sidiblog/?p=333
Added by Steven Heddle on 22 August 2013
MV Louisa remains at El Puerto de Santa Maria, following inconclusive court ruling in 2013. She can still be seen, even on google maps, on the south berth of the channel running north east inland, opposite Cadiz. Doesn't seem like she will be moving far or soon.
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Added by Lindsay Smith on 19 July 2014