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Superb model of German warship 'Baden' in Lyness Interpretation Centre, photographed some years ago, date not recorded. (Photo taken through glass, hence reflections.)
There is an intriguing story behind this: the German gentleman who built it felt the vicinity of Scapa Flow was the only proper place to display his handiwork, so he crated it up, lashed it to his roof-rack, and drove it all the way here. Someone will perhaps supply the details that have escaped my memory (and save me a special trip to Hoy to find out).

Picture added on 09 July 2011 at 14:49
Oh bue Ian yae wid aye be welcome in Hoy there are aal sorts o folk come ower tae visit us, oanyane is welcome here yae ken, wae even hid aal the cooncilers ower last week!!
Added by John Budge on 10 July 2011
Thank you for your kind invitation John. It's really the wonderful island itself I come to see, though the hospitable Hoy folk are an added attraction for the aal sorts o folk of whom I am proud to be a member. Don't know how well I'd rub along with cooncillors en masse though.
I hoped you'd be one person who could supply the background to the Baden model - but no?
I hoped you'd be one person who could supply the background to the Baden model - but no?
Added by Ian Hourston on 11 July 2011
Lewis Munro or Willie Waters the third will ken a lot more aboot this kind o thing than me. I niver thowt I wid say hid bit I hiv me limitations yae ken!!.
Added by John Budge on 12 July 2011
The model was made by Ulrich Hopner (no sure if name is spelt right), and yes he drove all the way with it in a roof box on his car.
Added by Lewis Munro on 13 July 2011
To continue this thread after a short break, surely Herr Hopner (?sp) didn't just pitch up one fine day and say, "Would you care to have this?" A display-case and stand would surely have been prepared beforehand, to Herr Hopner's specifications? As I recall, the model's some 6 feet long or more - not the sort of thing you can tuck away on a convenient shelf.
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Added by Ian Hourston on 08 August 2011