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Stromness pierhead taken by my uncle Stig Forslund in the early 1950,s.The second St. Ola is visable at the pier.Not great quality scanning but original is much sharper.
Picture added on 16 October 2010 at 11:32
Think that will be the old steam Hoy Head, in the foreground, and the wee mast and derrick probably the Inyoni
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 17 October 2010
I think that will be the "Orcadia" ex " Playfair" Jimmy. There is a cargo ship at the end of the pier. Could be the " Rora Head" or similar.
Added by Fred Johnston on 17 October 2010
Fred, I think the Orcadia had wings on her bridge, and a boatdeck, the one in the pic has none, the foremast rigging and the lifeboat davits, are the same as another pic of the Hoyhead on this site shows..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 19 October 2010
Dont think that can be the Orcadia, shaes too peedie and the wheelhoose isna high enough plus as Jimmy says the Orcadia has rounded bridge wings. If thats the Ola it must be at least 1951 and if thats the case its a fail chance it will be the SS Hoy Head.
Added by Allan Besant on 20 October 2010
Looks like the Hoy Head to me. Used to see her on an almost daily basis and sailed as a passenger on her a few times.
(So the true 'Stig' is unmasked at last: Dennis's uncle!)
(So the true 'Stig' is unmasked at last: Dennis's uncle!)
Added by Ian Hourston on 20 October 2010
I stand corrected gentlemen. Is that old Bill-Come with the barrow in the middle of the pier?
Added by Fred Johnston on 21 October 2010
If your missus can't ID her grandad what hope is there for the rest of us Fred?
Added by Ian Hourston on 26 October 2010
I really meant the middle Bill-Come Ian. My better half hasn't seen it yet, but she will likely be none the wiser either.
Added by Fred Johnston on 27 October 2010
When the Longhope pier was being built around 1900 a lot of men were needed and as there was more than one Bill Sinclair working on the project the father of the above gentelman was asked "When did you start here, Oh he said am jist come, so he became "Bill-Come" the name still carries on four generations later,lovely story isnt it!!. That is how I was told the story and even if hids no true its a grand yarn who cares aboot the truth lies are far more intresting!!.
Added by John Budge on 30 October 2010
I understood the name was a shortened form of Billy-come-lately - a local equivalent of Johnny-come-lately - indicating a new arrival, perhaps a bit of an upstart. Whatever the derivation, I like the spelling 'Bilkum' - a nickname to bear with pride (even if its current bearer was uncertain of his role when the bloody Chermans mounted an air-raid in WW2). I agree with John Budge - mustn't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Added by Ian Hourston on 01 November 2010
As long as we're speculating about who's who in this great photo, could that be Aubrey Flett with the first horse and cart?
Added by Ian Hourston on 02 November 2010
I was looking for pictures of my grandad (Laurence Flett - Aubrey's brother) or my dad (Sydney Flett) with the horse and cart. The man in this picture looks about the same build as grandad was.
Added by Linda (Flett) Ritchie on 29 December 2010
I am pretty certain you're right Linda that's your grandad and your dad my father a brother and the horses were ruby in the cart and betty on the lead and I would say the year is most likely 1953
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Added by Ian Flett on 15 May 2011