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Hackness Martello Tower. September 2nd 2010

Picture added on 15 September 2010 at 13:07
We own a piece of land here beside the Martello Tower. It has been a great interest to watch how the tower has been taken back from almost ruin- this is in the most part due to its former owner Johnny Cload who gifted it to "Historic Scotland", and Johnny still lives at the Battery just beyond the tower, nearer to the coast. Johnnie is a most remarkable man now I think in his 90th year. Johnnie is a indeed most remarkable man and still very much in command of all that he surveys!! And fit as someone 30 years younger. Johnnie's Grandfather came to the Battery as a soldier from I think it was Somerset and was the last man to turn out the lights!! So he bought it as you do!!. A truly remarkable story you must agree.
Added by John Budge on 15 September 2010
As I have spoken of Johnny Cload I must add one or two things more. Johnny was called to serve his Country in I think 1942 and served in the army all over Europe and North Africa. A quiet man who had a hard time so on his return to Waas" never went away just worked and lived a good life. Now as he gave so much to queen and country and then donated the Tower and Battery to Historical Scotland he was rightly made a M.B.E a few years ago. When asked to go away to receive his "Gong" Johnnie says na, na, the last time you asked me tae go away folk shot at me aam no gaan away again!!.
Added by John Budge on 16 September 2010
Myself and my friend visited Hackness martello tower while on holiday a couple of weeks ago. We were taken around by a very nice gentleman who told us that it would soon be his 90th birthday. He very generously gave us an indepth tour of the fort and the tower, climbing the ladder up to the martello tower with a dexterity that many would envy, let alone at 90 years of age. As we were leaving the Scottish Heritage attendant told us that we had been very privileged as our guide had been Mr Cload himself.
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Added by Kay Fletcher on 26 September 2010