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Burnmouth (Rackwick Bothy)- September 2nd 2010

Picture added on 14 September 2010 at 20:44
Thanks for the information John. I seemed to recall it featuring either in a GMB book or a TV production years ago...but thought I was mistaken!
Added by Dave Dawson on 17 September 2010
In the summer of 1970 the BBC came to Orkney and filmed three of George Mackay Brown's stories.
A Time to Keep, The Whaler's Return and Celia for BBC 2's "Play for Today" series.
It was filmed in colour and broadcast on 13 May 1971. No use for Orkney folk as colour TV came to the islands a few years later round about 1973.
It had a professional cast which included Claire Neilson, Maurice Roëves and an extra called Beryl Gillespie whose part ended up on the cutting floor. :-(
Another actor if I remember correctly was Phil McCall of Knorr stock cube ad fame “chicken soup from a stock cube” He was always in a bad mood between takes and we had a feeling it was self inflicted sore heads caused by the nights before! b 1925 - d 2002
It was great fun though and mum and Alice Johnston cooked for the actors and crew every day.
Margaret and Billy Budge’s new born son also had a part and my dad had to dig a grave which he was very well paid for £10.
A Time to Keep, The Whaler's Return and Celia for BBC 2's "Play for Today" series.
It was filmed in colour and broadcast on 13 May 1971. No use for Orkney folk as colour TV came to the islands a few years later round about 1973.
It had a professional cast which included Claire Neilson, Maurice Roëves and an extra called Beryl Gillespie whose part ended up on the cutting floor. :-(
Another actor if I remember correctly was Phil McCall of Knorr stock cube ad fame “chicken soup from a stock cube” He was always in a bad mood between takes and we had a feeling it was self inflicted sore heads caused by the nights before! b 1925 - d 2002
It was great fun though and mum and Alice Johnston cooked for the actors and crew every day.
Margaret and Billy Budge’s new born son also had a part and my dad had to dig a grave which he was very well paid for £10.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 03 October 2010
I think I watched some of it in digs in Eday. the lady of the house got us all in to watch it and one scene was a tinkers wedding in which the bride and groom had to **** in a bucket. You want to have seen her face.
Added by Willie Watters on 04 October 2010
Could have done with a bucket like that when I got married.
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Anonymous comment added on 05 October 2010
Jimmy and Bella moved to Brims in the early 50s. I dont think "Burnmouth" was occupied by anyone after the Nicholsons passed away.
A film company used "Burnmouth" for a George McKay Brown story, and later the Hoy Trust had it renovated to provide accommodation for hikers and hill walkers. Over the years hundreds of viistors have been glad of the shelter "Burnmouth" has provided to them.