The Orkney Image Library
No: 23962 Contributor: Neil Johnstone Year: 1906
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Reverse of Dinnington Medal.
Picture added on 16 July 2010 at 18:25
Glad you liked it John. Yes,this is the one presented to Edward Jamieson who was my grandmother's 1st cousin. She gave it to me. It was always kept in it's case, hence it's good condition. Another was presented to Daniel Fiddler my Grandmother's brother. He was lost at sea some years later. I'd like to know where the other medals are.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 18 July 2010
Edward Jameson or Ned Jamison as he was refered to in the island was ledgendary as a bit of a "mover and shaker" of the time, I believe he owned a fishing smack and posibly also a trading vessel. When they fished in the waters around the Pentland Firth fish were plentiful but catching fish was only part of the job as there was no market as such, so I believe Ned would sail around the coastal settlements in Scapa Flow flying a pennant to indicate he had fish to sell and would only return late into the night only to begin the same routine the next day. Hard work to say the least. As to where other medals might be possibly the Groat family at Hillside or some of the Taylors formerly from Old Hall(?)- hard to say. One of the crew on that night was a young man staying at one of the houses in Heckness and possibly a native of Aberdeenshire? Can anyone remember the story.
Added by John Budge on 20 July 2010
16-17 February 1906: At 10pm in a heavy west by south gale and snowstorm, the Sunderland S.S. Dinnington was wrecked on the island of Switha, west of South Ronalsay, Orkney, and broke in two. Two crewmen were washed overboard and drowned; the remaining nine took to the ships boat which capsized and they were washed on to the rocks where they took shelter, wet through and semi-naked. Lights were seen and a shore boat was launched by six fishermen only to find the wreck deserted. Rocks were searched without success as was the island of Flotta.They then returned to Switha and found the survivors who were taken to Harkness. (RNLI citation). All six were awarded the RNLI silver medal voted 8th March 1906. The medal to Wm Taylor is known on Orkney.
Added by Vince Rosser on 31 May 2011
You got very rare medal on your hands. I am collecting life saving medals and have many in my collection, but have not got a chance of finding one of this. Can you show picture of the naming on this medal?
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Added by Glenn Cheblatov on 01 January 2012
We need more info!!.