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Part two on the loss of the Leicestershire.
See picture #23068 for part 1.

Picture added on 29 December 2009 at 13:49
A tragic tale indeed John.
Added by Craig Taylor on 30 December 2009
My Grandad was on the Leicestershire that tragic day. I have no idea about his life as my mum was only 18 months old at the time and my nana never spoke about it. I would like to thank you for the research you have done as now I have a little bit of history of his tragic loss at sea. thank you
Added by Kerry Taeuber on 17 March 2011
Hi Kerry thank you for the kind words above, this sort of research is what I like to do- I am only too glad when it is appreciated as you have done .
The loss of so many men was deaply felt by the people here. I can remember the older folk speaking of the great sadness at the loss of the "Leicestershire" and her crew when I was young.
If you ever want to come to Hoy I would like to take you to see where the Trawler was wrecked and the church yard where some of the crew are interred. Tell me please which member of the crew was your Grandfather and is he resting in Grimsby or here in Orkney.
The loss of so many men was deaply felt by the people here. I can remember the older folk speaking of the great sadness at the loss of the "Leicestershire" and her crew when I was young.
If you ever want to come to Hoy I would like to take you to see where the Trawler was wrecked and the church yard where some of the crew are interred. Tell me please which member of the crew was your Grandfather and is he resting in Grimsby or here in Orkney.
Added by John Budge on 19 March 2011
Hi John thank you for your kind offer and if I ever get the opportunity to travel I will be there . My Grandad's name is Harold james Symonds my mum thinks he was taken back to Grimsby but she is not sure. As I said mum was only 18month's old at the time and any questions she asked about her father were never answered. My heart goes out to all the families of the brave and great fishermen of the Leicestershire who lost their lives that tragic day
Added by Kerry Taeuber on 24 March 2011
Hi John
Thank you for your research. My great grandfather was on the Leicestershire and sadly was never recovered. As we approach the anniversary of the tragedy, my grandma has been recalling the details of it with me - she was 13 at the time. My mum and I hope to visit Hoy sometime to visit the memorial and pay our respects.
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Thank you for your research. My great grandfather was on the Leicestershire and sadly was never recovered. As we approach the anniversary of the tragedy, my grandma has been recalling the details of it with me - she was 13 at the time. My mum and I hope to visit Hoy sometime to visit the memorial and pay our respects.
Added by Lorna Sherwood on 25 January 2014