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Left tae right Uncle's Donald-Stanley-Jim- and Mary (wur mither) I suppose this wid hiv been taen in the late 20s or early 30s . That gaes me a bit o leaway!!
There is a fair chance the wall behind them wid hiv been built by Grandad he wiz a master craftsman in all building work his work was slow bit most awful particular.
Grandad also worked in wood to the same high standard. In those times they were tenants of the Melsetter Estate and the laird supplied the material and Grandad did the work, I have seen the cost of the new stable that he built on the farm, the materials (wood, felt etc) came to about £8 14s he having quarried the stone himself and did all the building work. He also built a new barn, byres and neep shed and extended the house- later he bought the property from the laird in I think 1949.
Folk strave hard for what they had in them days.
Picture added on 23 December 2009 at 13:33
Good photo fae long ago John. £8 would have been a lot o' money back then.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 31 January 2018