The Orkney Image Library
No: 22950 Contributor: Neil Johnstone Year: 2009
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Hi John, Yes you're right about me staying with my grandparents at Greenbank. I took this photo of the shore at Longhope this summer from the pier. The top of the house is just visible to the right of centre in the photo. Next to it on the right is where Robert Flett's family stayed and had the Post Office. Behind the mass of trees is where Donald MacKay stayed. It's a bit of a jungle now!! I spent many happy hours on the beach especially at low ebb when lots of sea creatures were gathered in jars and bugged the life out of my Granny when they started to stink !! But, if only I could turn the clock back.......
Picture added on 28 November 2009 at 15:02
Nany McKay wis a bit o tarter and wid gae his hode if wae gaed near the sheds on the shore that hid been built by her faither for his boats. I suppose they wid hiv been the anes he used on the ferry across the Ness. I mind folk sayan he charged a sixpence for the crossing. I do mind him as the Pier Master at Longhope, a big rather important man, I thought as a bairn he wiz a bit scary.