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General Burroughs' rather egotistical plaque, Trumland House, Rousay, Sep 09
Picture added on 29 September 2009 at 22:30
Any Latin scholars out there who'd care to supply a translation of Gen Burroughs' motto?
Added by Ian Hourston on 30 September 2009
"fortune favours the bold" courtesy of google.
Added by C.Shearer on 30 September 2009
Audaces Fortuna Juvat - Fortune Favours the Bold
Added by Max Fletcher on 30 September 2009
Fortune favours the brave
Google search!!
Google search!!
Added by Bruce Moar on 30 September 2009
Probably "Fortune Favours the Bold."
Added by Barbara Johnston on 30 September 2009
Roughly translated into Boldness, Fortune and Delight
Added by Ross on 30 September 2009
Why is the picture so enormous?
Added by Ian Hourston on 01 October 2009
The pictures now get resampled/resized to 735 pixels wide when they are approved.
Added by Steven Heddle on 01 October 2009
Thanks to all commentators. Fortune favours the bold it is. On the question of size, wouldn't it be handier for viewers if the 725 pixels were applied to the longer dimension, whether width or height?
Added by Ian Hourston on 01 October 2009
It may be pompous but it is beautiful. Perhaps Col. Burroughs had to compensate somehow for his tiny stature.
Added by Susan Kingston on 10 October 2009
General Burroughs is one of my ancestors and still today we use the saying "fortune favors the brave"
Added by Jack Keene on 01 March 2011
I wonder who puts the notice of the anniversary of General Burroughs death in the Orcadian every year?
Added by Fred Johnston on 03 March 2011
General Burroughs was certainly a controversial figure in Rousay, but there is little doubt that he was a brave soldier, despite his small stature.He was the first man through the breach in the walls at the siege of Lucknow. The second and third through were awarded the VC but the Little General was denied the honour.
He took part in many campaigns during the Indian mutiny and I think the Crimean war.I seem to recall that he was in the thin red line at Inkerman.
He took part in many campaigns during the Indian mutiny and I think the Crimean war.I seem to recall that he was in the thin red line at Inkerman.
Added by Fred Johnston on 23 January 2013
Yes indeed Fred, no-one is all black or all white. The tiny Burroughs was certainly a brave and battle-hardened warrior. William P L Thomson in his The Little General and The Rousay Crofters devotes quite a bit of space to the Lucknow episode. There seem to have been conflicting reports as to who was the first to enter the breach, and in the end the recipients of the three VCs awarded for the action were decided by vote! Thomson suggests Burroughs wasn't popular enough with his troops to top the poll. (Thomson's account of Burroughs's service in the Crimea doesn't seem to mention Inkerman.)
Added by Ian Hourston on 24 January 2013
Burroughs needed money for Trumland house, and his needy family, so he set up a Highland-style clearance in Rousay (this didn't happen anywhere in else in Orkney). Rationalising the farming meant many small tenants evicted, including Edwin Muir's family in Wyre which he also owned. A mean act many would consider "The land is mine to do what I will with it" or words to that effect.
That does rather dampen one's admiration for his military prowess.
That does rather dampen one's admiration for his military prowess.
Added by Susan Kingston on 25 January 2013
Burroughs's military prowess does rather moderate one's distaste for his treatment of his tenants.
You'll recognise that as your last sentence in reverse Susan, and maybe it's the view you feel Fred Johnston and I were taking. Though a bit late in the day to return to this thread, I just want to say that I hope and believe I can admire a courageous act without diluting my contempt for a vile one. And luckily when it comes to weighing one sort against the other in the behaviour of others I can simply nail my colours to the fence.
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You'll recognise that as your last sentence in reverse Susan, and maybe it's the view you feel Fred Johnston and I were taking. Though a bit late in the day to return to this thread, I just want to say that I hope and believe I can admire a courageous act without diluting my contempt for a vile one. And luckily when it comes to weighing one sort against the other in the behaviour of others I can simply nail my colours to the fence.
Added by Ian Hourston on 13 June 2016