The Orkney Image Library
No: 22131 Contributor: Neil Johnstone Year: 2009
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Gardens lemonade
Picture added on 16 August 2009
When we were young there would be two big crates of lemonade at all the dances in the YM in Longhope, no bar as is the norm today- mind you there was aye the warm haffie in the inside pocket of most of the men. This was consumed in the gents toilet or outside the hall but never openly inside the hall.
The pop that I aye tried to get from the crate was a redish flavour called Queens Toast, goodness knows what it was made from, likely about one hundred E numbers per mouthful.
Can anyone remember all the different flavours??.
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The pop that I aye tried to get from the crate was a redish flavour called Queens Toast, goodness knows what it was made from, likely about one hundred E numbers per mouthful.
Can anyone remember all the different flavours??.
Added by John Budge on 19 August 2009
I wonder: Is there a P.C. Fletts' label in existence? [There's a jam jar one somewhere here...- Steven]