The Orkney Image Library
No: 21769 Contributor: Jimmy Hamilton Year: 2009
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Ex South Isles Ferry Hoy Head sunk at Irvine, (again)......25th July

Picture added on 25 July 2009
It's maybe a blessing Geordie Kirkpatrick didn't live to see this picture, he spent so many years looking after the same boat.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 28 July 2009
That's wan sad sight!! Many memories of trips tae and fae Stromness and Scapa gan tae the Stromness School!!
Added by David Watters on 28 July 2009
Alas the owners did not have a man like Geordie Kirkpatrick to look after her. Geordie cared for the Hoy Head like a mother cared for her bairn, many a sleepless night he had going up and doon the pier tae watch that nothing came at that same boat wae an easterly wind drivan intae Longhope.
Geordy and his brother Albert were a good team. Geordie was so canny and Albert was laid back and steady both good seamen.
Geordy and his brother Albert were a good team. Geordie was so canny and Albert was laid back and steady both good seamen.
Added by John Budge on 28 July 2009
This is a sad sight. What a lot o wasted time
keeping all that brass,copper and alloy heads polished.
keeping all that brass,copper and alloy heads polished.
Added by Patty Johnston on 11 December 2011