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The bothy at Rackwick bay.
Picture added on 04 June 2009
This a bothy provided by the Hoy Trust free of charge to who ever needs a shelter for a night or two. Former home of the Nicholson family untill the 1950s I believe. Lots of folk use it as base when in the Rackwick Area.
[Big fan of it myself- Steven]

Added by John Budge on 09 June 2009
This hoose is called the "Burnmouth" not bothy...
Added by Magnus Mowat on 31 January 2016
As Magnus is making corrections can I suggest Rackwick Bay in nonsensical as wick is a bay.
So Rack bay bay.
Rackwick without the Bay added.
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So Rack bay bay.
Rackwick without the Bay added.
Added by Rae Phillips on 07 February 2016