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Folk to remember, from the north and sooth side..date only a guess..

Picture added on 16 March 2009
My grandfather Christopher Gunn is to the right of the picture, middle row. It used to be a Saturday when they set off for their day out and I know he always looked forward and enjoyed the outing.
Added by Brenda Hudson (Gunn) on 17 March 2009
Mary Budge, Margret Norquoy, Violet Mowat, Netty Bakie, David Deacon, Edna Hamilton, Mary Ritch, Len Perry, Nurse Garroich & Lynn Garroich I think ?, . Middle row. ?, Jessie Sinclair, Mary Groat, ?, ?, Christie Gunn. Front row. Esther Kirkpatrick, Betty Ritch, Ellen Donald & Mrs Deacon
Added by Keith Dempsey on 17 March 2009
wow a blast from the past. Mary Budge is on the left side back row. Front row has Mary Groat, Esther Kirkpatrick, Ellen Donald and Chrissie Gunn. I recognise so many other faces but can't remember their names which is a disgrace and embarrasing as they are all faces from my past.
Added by Pauline Duncan on 17 March 2009
Wow!! What a fantastic photo, these are the ladies and how I remember they were when I was a bairn. I mind after school eagerly running home with my school bag so i could go and visit quite a few of them. I would spend hours visiting Lotty, Esther, Emily( not in photo). Granny (Kathy Gillespie) had her regular visits which i joined her on as weel. At 5/6 year old I was a right auld wife, sittin having a cup of tea and a yarn!!!
What I wouldnt give to go back to being that age again!!!
What I wouldnt give to go back to being that age again!!!
Added by Sarah Kirkness (gillespie) on 18 March 2009
Middle row- Lottie is the white haired lady with blue coat, and Margaret Kirkpatrick partially hidden behind Ellen Donald.
Photo taken at Melsetter.
Photo taken at Melsetter.
Added by Sarah Kirkness (gillespie) on 18 March 2009
Thats who it is indeed Sarah, any idea who the lady with the zimmer frame is ?
Added by Keith Dempsey on 19 March 2009
Nobody has mentioned the young lassie on the front row
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 20 March 2009
No sorry keith, mum and dad arent sure either, wondered aboot asking Elsie as it was taken at melsetter house
Added by Sarah Kirkness (gillespie) on 20 March 2009
Good timing with this picture - sadly the Hoy and Walls Good companions had their final meeting on Saturday 21st February in North Walls Centre - numbers fell until it was imposible to keep the once monthly group going. The line up here is: Back row; Mary Budge, Margaret Norquoy, Violet Mowat, Nettie Baikie, David Deacon, Edna hamilton, Mary Ritch, Len Perry, Nurse Garrioch & Lynn Garrioch.
Front row; Betty Ritch's Mother, Jessie Sinclair, Mary Groat, Esther Kirkpatrick, Betty Ritch, Lottie Wilson(behind) possibly Helen Rioch or Freda Sutherland(peeping behind) Ellen Donald, Grace Deacon and Christie Gunn. Margaret Kirkpatrick did not attend the Good Companions in the early days.
Front row; Betty Ritch's Mother, Jessie Sinclair, Mary Groat, Esther Kirkpatrick, Betty Ritch, Lottie Wilson(behind) possibly Helen Rioch or Freda Sutherland(peeping behind) Ellen Donald, Grace Deacon and Christie Gunn. Margaret Kirkpatrick did not attend the Good Companions in the early days.
Added by Mabel Besant on 21 March 2009
So many well kent faces from the past! My parents Richard and Majorie Allen from Cielmer in Lyness were regular members of The Good Companions until they moved south to Dingwall in Oct.1984.
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Added by Elaine Sutherland (Allen) on 08 March 2012