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The Northern Duke high and dry on the Louther early August 1937.Picture Library archives.

Picture added on 08 March 2009
Still piling on the coal, looks as if she is sill going astern as well, or maybe just swell round her stern ... did she get off?
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 12 March 2009
Did she founder, or did she get towed off Allan?
Added by Keith Dempsey on 13 March 2009
The Northern Duke ran a ground on the southern end o the Louther skerry in dense fog August 01 1937. It was high water at the time so she was left high an dry. Being thick fog she wasnt sighted very often the three days or so she was ashore. The first attempt to pull her off was with another trawler the Lady Shirley This didnt work as the towing hawsers became entangled and the attempt had to be abandoned. A tug from Lyness olso stood by. A salvage tug from Aberdeen was called upon, The tug IRON AXE then stood by untill the trawler was refloated. Nobody was sure when she came off but when the fog lifted on Wednesday morning the ship had gone. The trawler was about a year old being built in Germany, altough she was London registered at the time of the grounding she was fishing out of Hull. October 22/1937 BOT formal investigation Found skipper Henry Lead in default and suspended his ticket for two months
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Added by Allan Besant on 14 March 2009