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Boys' Ploughing Match
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Boys' Ploughing Match

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Picture added on 25 February 2009
Think this must be earlier than 1960. On the right Jane Cromarty then Rosetta Sinclair -not sure of the others ! (may be Mary Markland next to myself )
Added by Rosetta Scott on 22 March 2009
Rosetta, could the ploughman on the left be Austin Hourston? Whose horse were you? Date?
Added by Herbert Mackenzie on 24 March 2009
Recognised my mum Rosetta Sinclair then realised she'd been here first!!
Added by Karen MacRae on 06 May 2012
I was Stanley Robertson's horse . It must have been about 1958 .
Added by Rosetta Scott on 22 February 2014
Horseman on left Austin Hourston .
Added by Rosetta Scott on 15 March 2014
Horse 3rd from left looks like Bertie Thomson. Fairly sure the ploughman on left is Austin.
Added by Mervyn Tait on 26 March 2014
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St Margaret's Hope

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