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Edenmore Shipwreck
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Edenmore Shipwreck

Parts of the boilers from the Edenmore still lie near the wreck site. Lobsters or partans caught near there have rusty bellies with crawling over the boilers.
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Picture added on 28 December 2008
Hi Bill, You get partans & lobsters like that aff o the Riff Dyke, North Ronaldsay, as weel, and wan pert o the Riff, nothin bit 'she' partans.

Added by Tommy Garrioch on 03 January 2009
According to Miramar she was powered by sail, there is no funnel on her. Do the boilers mentioned belong to her? Or maybe another wreck in the same area?
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 05 January 2009
The boilers were probably for "windlasses" for the rigging. I used to drop creels right in there when I was at school in stronsay. I still have a few bits of wood from her.
Added by Mike Rendall on 04 January 2011
I would be interested to know if Mr Rendall still has any artefacts from the ship. I am a collector and would be keen to know what they are.
I visited Orkney in 2009 and saw the article in the local paper.

Added by Paul Bedwell on 18 November 2016
I am interested to locate the crew lists for the Edenmore as my grandfather certainly sailed on here at some stage and i am not sure if he was in the shipwreck or not. He joined the army after something caused him to want to leave the sea. was it the shipwreck i wonder. He died in 1918 in France. Fred Vernon Lindsley Gibson.He would have been 19 at the time of the wreck.
Added by Penny Horseman on 12 April 2017
I have a name plate with edenmore carved in it. It is quite small and must have come off a ships tender. My family and I owned Papa Stronsay and lived there from from 1979 to 1987, before we emigrated to New Zealand. I found the name plate in the attic of the main house when doing some plumbing. It is now in NZ with us!.
Added by Rob Romain on 04 March 2018
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