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This is my Great Great Grandparents Jacob and Catherine Moar from Britain in Birsay. See picture #13576 to see an invitation to their wedding. It's not a very good photo but since their was a fair bit of interest in the invitation I thought i'd post it. The date is a guess.
Picture added on 27 November 2008
Hello Bruce,
I am a distant relative in Australia - and just loved seeing this photo - invitation etc - though Jacob was a third cousin of my GG Grandfather - it brings everything closer - and lovely to put faces to some of the names I have.
Jenny Neubecker in Qld Australia
I am a distant relative in Australia - and just loved seeing this photo - invitation etc - though Jacob was a third cousin of my GG Grandfather - it brings everything closer - and lovely to put faces to some of the names I have.
Jenny Neubecker in Qld Australia
Added by Jenny Neubecker on 22 March 2009
Hi yer Bruce,
I had no idea back in 1985 when I was privileged to come across this hand written wedding invitation (picture #13576) that it had by then already survived 107 years.
Over the years I’ve often looked at the invitation and pondered: Who could this couple have been? Never dreaming that all these years on it would cause such fascinating debate, revealing so much about the couple, even drawing people together from around the world. More remarkable thanks to Bruce Moar, I discover a photograph of the bride and groom that he submitted to this site. As Jenny says: it’s lovely to put faces to the names.
It will not surprise me if a wedding photo of Catherine and Jacob appears on the site.
Thanks Bruce.
I had no idea back in 1985 when I was privileged to come across this hand written wedding invitation (picture #13576) that it had by then already survived 107 years.
Over the years I’ve often looked at the invitation and pondered: Who could this couple have been? Never dreaming that all these years on it would cause such fascinating debate, revealing so much about the couple, even drawing people together from around the world. More remarkable thanks to Bruce Moar, I discover a photograph of the bride and groom that he submitted to this site. As Jenny says: it’s lovely to put faces to the names.
It will not surprise me if a wedding photo of Catherine and Jacob appears on the site.
Thanks Bruce.
Added by Ron Greatrix on 25 March 2009
These people are my great-great aunt and uncle. Im Matthew Moar, 29, from Norfolk, UK
Added by Matt Moar on 30 June 2012
I beleive there is another photo somewhere I came accross on the Internet of Catherine... this is not the clearest photo of her.. as the photo is very old... however I shall try find it.. she was pretty lady with longish hair.. Matt Moar US
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Added by Matt Moar on 21 February 2013
This is a wonderful photograph. I appreciate being able to put faces to their wedding invitation as it has been interesting reading the correpsondence amongst the various contributors to the site.
Best, Wilma McC. in Vancouver, BC