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Steam trawler doomed on the shores of Hoy.

Picture added on 06 November 2008
Would that be the Dorbie ???
Added by Keith Dempsey on 07 November 2008
Keith I've been told that this is the Aberdeen trawler Braconmoor. But I can't verify that simply because I dont ken.
Added by Allan Besant on 09 November 2008
She looks more like a Hull or Grimsby trawler than an Aberdeen one Alan. My first thought was the Dorbie, but the Silanian and Wolsley were also wrecked in the 1930's
Added by Fred Johnston on 12 November 2008
If John Budge takes a print o this to Gordon at the binks he might be able to identify it. I think he saw a lot of the wrecks at the back o Melsetter.
Added by William Watters on 12 November 2008
The Braconmoor A767 was built at Hall Russell's in Aberdeen in 1917 for the Admiralty as the SAMUEL BAKER. On her release from the navy she was renamed BRACONMOOR in 1921-22. After grounding she broke up very quickly. She looks somewhat different from the SILANION, the WORSLEY or the DORBIE. Willie, Owld Gordon was shown the photo and he says there's no doubt in his mind that she is the Braconmoor.
Added by Allan Besant on 14 November 2008
A story I heard when I was young. It was said Jimmy Grey of the Point (lots o stories there- any pics?) said of an otter he had seen " Aye, he had a comper(fish) in his mooth" My uncle Jonny (Jockie to most of you)said "wid that be the compass off the Dorbie"
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Added by William Watters on 29 November 2008