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Date estimated. Jim writes:
'School picture with David Douglas Menzies (1863-1922) on right side.
Photographer: James Brown, St. Margaret's Hope.
No indication of year. Would be pre 1900s. Note that this picture is all male students (see picture #1138 for female students). Both pictures were taken around the same time, as two of the female teachers had the same dresses in both pictures. There is an extra teacher in the female class picture.'
Picture added on 18 November 2005
Very interested in these photos of Widewall School as my mother taught there, a wee while after these photos were taken! Would be pleased to hear from Mr Menzies.
Added by Herbert Mackenzie, St. Mrgts Hope on 30 October 2006
I think all the teachers are dressed the same and the stencils (?) in the left window are the virtually the same. One of the panes looks different in the girl's photo. Could be lighting though.
Added by Karl Stephen on 02 November 2006
My 2 Great-Uncles attended school on South Ronaldsay from 1893 when there mother died and they went to live with there Uncle The Rev Alexander Goodfellow Minister of the United Free Congregation St Marys Ladykirk Church . I wonder if they are on this photo ?
Added by Irene ( Goodfellow ) Caldwell on 07 July 2011
My grandmothers maiden name was Arra Goodfellow Duncan. Duncan is a South Ronaldsay name. So is Manson, some are buried there.
Added by Duncan Manson on 24 February 2017