The Orkney Image Library
No: 10499 Contributor: Jimmy Hamilton Year: 1939
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This bit of handy work by my late uncle Jim Watters from Garson, Longhope,was made from a bit of Alloy from the JU88
bomber shot down at Pegal on 17/10/1939, it was one of the group that bombed the Iron Duke and she was shot down by
226 heavy anti aircraft battery at Rysa,1 of the crew baled
out and was captured the rest went down with the plane.
This happened 3 days after the Royal Oak was sunk
Picture added on 03 April 2008
A propeller blade from the same aircraft is on display at the Lyness Museum, it was gifted to the Museum by an ex member of the 226 HAA Battery who had hidden it under his stairwell until the 90's. He invited me to his house to see the prop blade which I persuaded him to donate to the Museum.
Added by Lewis Munro on 06 April 2008
Seems rather macabre having a christian symbol adorned by the symbol associated with fascism.
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Added by R Flett on 06 April 2008